Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet."

-Mr. And Mrs. Smith

What a day! Once again, I found myself telling the ol' "nipple story" that had the listener look at me with a large amount of interest. Gay Nick found it a mixture of funny and disgusting when I told him how my friend, Mikey, jumped a metal fence with me only to lose his nipple. Clear the fuck off, it was gone. Mikey and I only knew about this thanks to the small amount of blood where it was supposed to be. The whole story came up because my right nipple kept popping out of my wife beater that I wore to the gym so don't go thinking I just immediately break into a nipple discussion.

Editor: "And how are your nipples? Can I tweak them? What radio station could we pick up, Sirius, or something really funky that will help with my Bubba the Love Sponge needs?"

Of course, it shouldn't surprise you that I finished "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. Nice book! This story of how a shepard finds treasure thanks to a journey lined with omens was a fun read. Now, a bit of Arab-lore might turn some people off but I can't see it keeping you from enjoying the story. Some parts of it were like a fable while others had me curious as to what will happen next all thanks to life's little mysteries that this shepard boy comes across.

Up next is "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut. I've heard of this author thousands of times but have had no clue as to what type of writings he brings out. Hints of satire seem to emit out of this book once it's in my hands. And so tomorrow will find me reading a chapter or 2 prior to sleep. Reading has helped me sleep much better since I'm just not a summer person. Fall is my true love.

My little brother brought home the new unrated version of Mr. And Mrs. Smith. Why someone doesn't want to see this flick is beyond me since it does a great deal to use a mix of humor on how marriage's secrets can keep a couple from enjoying the heat once provided. Of course, the lovely Angelina Jolie (yes, I saw the pictures of the kid a couple days ago-very cute) does an amazingly unforgettable job beating the shit out of Brad Pitt's Mr. Smith. Was it wrong to laugh when he kicked her several times?

So, what's new? You've got a total of 6 minutes added to Mr. And Mrs. Smith along with A LOT of deleted scenes. The alternate ending in which we find the couple now have a kid while exploring what looks like a southern country (forgot the people's appearances) only to find that this little tyke can shoot a toy gun with major accuracy.

I've only seen bits and pieces to the added 6 minutes but from what I saw, the love scene is longer and the time spent with the marriage councelor is a bit more, too. We also get to see the guy behind the voice in ordering Jane on who she is to kill. I'm definitely going to rewatch Mr. And Mrs. Smith as I'm curious for other additions. It's one of my favorite movies of all last year. This disc is packed with lots o' stuff.

FYI: I liked the ending's "10" rather than finding out the couple have a kid. It does more for me but the director could have put the addition of the kid right before the scene I just talked about. I'm not exactly sure if I can forgive Gay Nick for telling me that he thinks Mr. And Mrs. Smith is awful-looking. Boo to him.

What else............*thinking*

Christina Aguilera revealed her first song tonight on MTV's Movie Awards. I know I'm gonna get shit for this from Sammy but I thought Jessica Alba's hosting was nice, nothing special, but nice. I know she can't act but her goofy dancing with King Kong provided my tired legs with enough amusement to forget about them. Plus, Kong seemed to love it as we all like to see blondes get dysfunctional during the day thanks to being hammered.

Christina? Nice performance. I've gotta say that it's completely different than what we're used to. Yes, I miss the assless chaps and multi-colored hair but it's a newer Christina, one that has told us how much in love she is with her husband. Performers should take note that change can be good. The horns were a nice touch as I like the roaring 20's feel.

As for Gnarles Barkley, anyone that can sing while wearing a Darth Vader costume, Chewbacca on drums, X-Wing fighter pilots for backup singing, Imperial troops for various musical instruments, and a Jango Fett in the back is cool with me. He's also done A Clockwork Orange, one of the creepiest films of all time thanks to the unforgettable Droog characters.

As for me, my ass is doing much better thanks the soreness going down. Went at a speed of 7.5 and just about exhausted myself. I think this is where I stop for some time til I can build up more endurance in improving. Running on a treadmill is tough if you do it AFTER your weight-lifting. The nipple story told to Gay Nick took place after I sat down to rest. He said it was gross that I looked like I was panting like a dog.

Editor: "Scooby-Doo would have been proud."

There's lots more to talk about since things are taking place in this house. Rooms are being cleaned up and preparations are being made to replace various things gone wrong thanks to the time when Bonnie and Clyde were puppies (the tore up wallpaper and chewed up chairs-is it any wonder we called them "termites?"). My job is to help move furniture and to keep the dogs too busy to drive my mom nuts. I love dogs. Dogs love me.

So, I am outta here to clear my eyes of sleepiness taking place now. "The Alchemist" had some interesting thoughts on how our lives are led and I like that kind of stuff. Wonder what he'd say about running on a treadmill because, let's face it, you aint going nowhere on that thing no matter how fast you go. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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