Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Dont cha wish your boyfriend was a dork like me?"

-Somehow I found myself singing this line all day. Luckily, it was to myself prior to all the giggle fits I tend to have over not taking myself seriously.

Normally, I have a response to everything that catches my eye. You know this, after all, you read my bizarre diary. Everything and anything can be a topic that swirls all around my head but I'm stumped for once. I'm in need of some opinions here.

The Pussycat Dolls. Are these women we can take seriously or are they just a fad of 6 women we need to replace for candy coated pop songs? Every year, it's like we get someone new that places a well-timed song in our heads only to disappear a short while later. Spice Girls? Oh, that's just too easy, folks. I was thinking more along the lines of Tatu. Ya know, the fauxe-lesbian girls that can't seem to stop kissing each other in hopes of getting some publicity.

Maxim Blender, one of the most fun music mags around with the balls to constantly display the picture of Moby wearing nothing but a sock only to now show enjoyment of the infamoust pics of Fergie peeing in her pants while onstage, has an article on The Pussycat Dolls. I'm not gonna lie, folks. The first time I took a gander at the girls, thanks to the video for "Dont cha," my jaw dropped for only one reason, Nicole, the lead singer.

Oh, lord, does this woman have a stomach of steel! There's a picture of her walking in total formation with the other girls in the band and you cannot help but notice the definition in those abs. I don't know whether to be jealous of beg to lick the sweat off of 'em.

My little question pretty much answers itself, huh? If The Pussycat Dolls are only in my head due to Nicole's gorgeously toned body, it's obvious that they'll burn out. Fascinating girl that leads a band of others that obviously wear too much makeup. Yucky. Would you believe I have Nicole's first CD? Remember Eden's Crush and that TV show about the making of it?

Editor: "In other words, the musically obsessed woman named Sammy compels you! First it was Debbie Gibson. Then, Paula Abdul and a short while later it was the embarassing admittance of knowing a lot of the lyrics to Marky Mark's first album! Samantha compels you!"

*Damn, I'm jealous of Nick owning a copy of The Incredible Hulk #181 (the first appearance of Wolverine!) worth over $1,000. Nick's da man...........for now.*

I'm pretty sure I've talked about my love of cult movies, those little known that have a loyal following of people due to originality or weirdness most people don't understand. I pretty much have all of the ones I've ever wanted, though I could use Repo Man someday. It's not everyday you find a man that steals cars and aliens start to make themselves known.

Cemetary Man came out today on DVD. If the words "Zombies, Guns, And Sex!" mean anything to you, it's definitely worth a checking out. I'm 35 minutes in and can attest to how weird it is thanks to a very young Rupert Everett giving it to the widow's wife real good. We all know Rupert's gay, right?

As I said, I'm 35 minutes in. Not bad with it's odd sense of humor. Not only did I know of its cult following due to people insisting it be put out on DVD after much pleading, I saw a bit of it on Bravo Channel, what once was a great place to catch foreign flicks with substance is now the gay channel. It's no wonder they cut out the female nudity but Rupert's pounding butt was kept in.

Now, when it comes to female nudity, many men wish (no.......pray) for buns, boobs, and bush. Then again, nowadays, we like it bare but you know what I'm getting at. However, it was completely legendary (and a bit of why this movie is a cult classic) thanks to the introduction of Anna Falchi, the widow that gets a good pounding thanks to Rupert. Funny thing is that this takes place on her dead husband's grave. Hence, the humor I love.

Where was I? Oh, female nudity! Such a lovely subject, no? Anyway, Anna Falchi became an enormous star thanks to her amazing breasts. I'm not even a breast man but these............oh, my are so inviting to take a nap on (after a bit of play, of course). They have that amazing bounce while riding Rupert (lucky bastard) until the dead husband comes back from the grave. Those nasty zombies ruin everything since they just don't know when to wait for the money shot.

I don't know how to put this delicately but this observation has been well documented along with the beauty of Anna's breasts. Her areolas are enormous. It's no joke as they almost take up the whole area we're used to seeing them on, as big as a large flashlight's front portion. That's a terrible comparison but you get the idea. Once you see them, you don't forget along with wanting to clobber that zombie for ruining a good cowgirl time.

Cowboy: "Ride 'em, cowgirl! Whoo!"

The Cemetary Man is just a goofy moment spent with zombies that keep showing up at the caretaker's door only to be shot down by him. It's just too funny to take all that gore seriously, since one zombie gets........uh.......I heard about this...eaten out. No, really. Would a guy in love with a girl turned into a zombie give some tongue love down there?

FYI: Another possible cult classic about to come out is Russia's largest money making movie ever, Night Watch. It's about the Day Watch and Night Watch, 2 sides of conflict thanks to vamprism and people that can change into other things. I'm awfully curious about this movie's dark tone and popularity rising thanks to word of mouth.

Yeah, it's been a weird day in which my dad insists on telling me about the car I should get soon. Due to his being able to make fuel in the backyard, I will be free from the gas prices that plague you folks. I don't know. I'd feel bad and would rather pay. More on this later since I'm not completely sure on this 1999 car. It's stick shift and, yes, I do know how to drive those. Been a long fucking time since I ripped my old one. Let's just say that I'm a bit rough and don't know my own strength.

Who else loves talking to strangers just completely out of the blue? I'm not saying that I just rip into conversation but there's a girl that haunts my bookstore, Borders, every morning due to working on schoolwork. I knew her from where she works, Waldenbooks, and we've always gone back and forth over what the public wants. By the way, she has a boyfriend and I have clearly made it known that I share a bed with Sara.

It's funny knowing the bad points of working in a bookstore. This girl hates having to clean up after the boys that come in and rip up polybagged Playboy Magazines. Lads get that animalistic urge to see some tits and........VOILA! Shredded plastic bag portions go everywhere. Boys calm down once breasts have been viewed is just a day in the life of a bookstore owner. By the way, it's the girls that come in and take some long looks, too. Right, Sammy?

I'm beginning to think that a true writer needs to go insane or experience insanity at least once in their lifetime. Why I am thinking this? Like musicians, the best stuff was when they're on drugs so why not insanity for a writer? Gives character and a more original outlook towards what he/she puts on paper. I think deep down inside, I want to be a writer and hope that someone discovers me here on D-Land or something. Who else can talk about larger than life areolas and handle being laughed at over old music tastes?

So, I'll be leaving soon. You know the drill. It's off to Indiana most likely Friday or Saturday so packing and body trimming begins tomorrow. Girls don't like hairy boys and boys enjoy smoothness, especially in the right places. Nudge-nudge, know what I mean? Good grief, did I suddenly go horny after seeing a few zombies? Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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