Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Tony Soprano: "You're born to this shit. You are what you are."

-The Sopranos

So, I see that I am not the only one with the most insane thought of wanting the Spice Girls back in power. It may have been corporate music at its greedy best but I enjoyed it. There were a few times I remember falling asleep while "2 Become 1" played on VH1. That statement's not out of how bad the song was but how it soothed me. This is not something I'd admit to other guys, k?

Everyone has a favorite phrase that makes their ears perk up a bit more. Mine just so happened to be a guy that met Mark Wahlberg (aka "Marky Mark") telling me that I am bigger than him. Awesome! Oh, wow! Like, totally freak me out!

Isn't that nice? Somewhere along all those grueling workouts in which mixtures of lifeless conversations, I reach a goal that has me even bigger than the man I envied in the ol' adonis appearance. Muscles, my only hope in keeping some form of testosterone, are very apparent when you meet me. Just look at these shoulders, chest muscles, and slim tummy. Aw shucks! I'm just a geek at heart, ya know.

Sara knows what I'm talking about because those words on me being bigger than Marky Mark came from her friend we all awaited on seeing. If you go to my pictures page, he's the guy named Bri, a man that's met many famous people. Of course, I know of no one that has met Keira Knightley. May god help them if I were to find out Keira's in town somewhere because I've just got to ask for a big smoochie on my cheek. The whole moment will probably end up with me foaming from the mouth and acting rabid as a bra is stuck to my foot while people keep wondering why a lipstick impression is on my forehead.

Editor: "And the locals will want to know if this man is one of their own or someone they can just politely run down with a car. You just cannot win when you need a Keira smoochie, Hedgie.

It was a damn fine visit to Indiana. You'd be surprised how I am not the one playing video games in this relationship. Sure enough, a Monday would find me laying there on the couch reading "The Position" while Sara was busy leading Lara Croft into more exploring expeditions. See? I need more testosterone, stat.

It really shouldn't surprise you that Sara aka "Bunny Killer" or the lovable term I use now, "Bunnicula," plays the video games. My time spent in front of the tube with a remote is only for sporadic moments. Give me a violent game of Bond or something of the 2D variety and we'll make a moment of it. Even Sara's roommate told me how funny it is to see how traditional roles are switched when it comes to this relationship.

Ah hate summer. My skin feels itchy and annoyingly dry at times. Each hour that passes makes me wonder if I smell bad. Plus, I had one of those moments where my cock was being kissed only to have Sara tell me it smells. Into the shower I go! When the lady says your most powerful appendage needs a good scrubbing on a hot day, by golly, she's gonna do it for ya.

Editor: "Just to be sure, eh? Can't have smelly naughty bits flopping around now can ya?"

Isn't that great? To feel free to tell the other that they stink helps keep the relationship free of unnecessary arguments. I've known guys too afraid to tell their girlfriends that they need showers or to just turn the hose on 'em. Girls can smell, at times.

It's just nasty out there. To give you an idea how much worse I have it, the weather was about 93 degrees and quite humid. Take that number and add around 10 degress thanks to the many bodies' body heat indexes in my gym. Oh, wow! It was that hot during my workout tonight. You wouldn't have known this when it came to the running portion since the giant fan was right in front of me. Nipples? Rock hard and proud.

For some reason, I always worry about my absences from a workout. I just don't like to falther downward in any way but there really is no need. The run was excellent as always while hardly any need to wheeze my way through that last portion. It feels so strange to say that I just might be in shape. For what? To live my life instead of gasping for breath while walking up stairs. Plus, I love my new stronger ass.

As for that Russian movie that caused such a stir thanks to it making such obscene amounts of money...........coulda been better. How can you go wrong with a storyline that plays into a 1,000 year old battle between the Day Watch (good guys) and the Night Watch (bad guys, duh)? The breeding of witches, vampires, and shape-shifters could bring about great potential as I see it. Hell, Night Watch was a let-down but I'm still looking to the sequels since I see just that, potential. Always wanted to see a guy take out his own spine and use it as a sword.

Actually, you can take a lot of movies and tweak them to make them better. Night Watch has so much going for it but fucks up thanks to a confusing story that we, the audience, are just pressed into at a speed far too fast to follow. Why certain characters do certain things is another thing I don't get. If the vortex where the world will end thanks to The One coming to make things bad (or good, depends on whether he chooses Night or Day), you'd think that the good guys would go all out to stop it.

FYI: Intoducing the characters is a good idea instead of just plunging us into a murky depth where we don't know shit. Who knows. Things could be summed up in the sequels.

Ah, life is good when your penis doesn't smell and the night's falling has you just dying to get out of your kit for a nice long snooze. I'm so calm right now thanks to feeling fulfilled from a workout that would cause others to scream in pain. I'm so damn quotable.

I've never seen gay porn before. Of course, being hetero, this means I've never seen something that doesn't involve a woman in some way. Bri, being the bisexual guy and all knowing, showed something that involves various muscular guys putting large objects up a guy's ass. By the time I had my 3 seconds of watching finished, I'm sure these guys had worked up to cannon balls. Trust me when I say that I had no idea our assholes are that capable to the point where we don't need pockets. Wallet? Car keys? In da ass.

Everyone's into something and, yes, it is amazing what the human body is capable of doing. Of course, I will get into a discussion on sex soon. Kinsey was an impressive sex researcher, even if he did kind of treat people like numbers. To me, it's not the frequency on sexual tastes but the why. Without intimacy, sex is boring. Will discuss.

So, I leave you here as I make my way to finishing The Hills Have Eyes. Yes, it's a remake of the classic Wes Craven horror film where a family finds itself stuck in a desert only to be hunted by mutant cannibals. The director is the one from High Tension and let me tell ya.......,if you can handle that flick, you'll do just fine here. Horror movies, I loves 'em even if the idea of me being in the desert has me worried about having a stinky penis. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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