Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Lex Luthor: "Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don't share their powers with mankind."

-Superman Returns

Yessirree, it is official that I am back here in the state that boasts more corrupt governors than yours. Be it, licenses for bribes or questionable hiring, Illinois is the best.

Cheerleader: " totally freak me out!"

Getting home around 3pm can be such a bitch when the sun's glare constantly reminds me why I am not a summer person. The once cold grape juice is now mildly warm but my body feels like it's been wedged in Fat Bastard's crotch.

As much as I'd love to get into what happened (and there was A LOT), I have a nasty headache from dealing with a constant cough brought on by allergies. Little things like my back aching add up as well to make me wonder if I'm a dying young man destined for great things.

However, a little amount of inspiration to tell you of something you should do comes up. Sara's question reminds me best: "Why couldn't Bryan Singer direct the X-Men sequel?" This comes from us walking out of a fresh showing of Superman Returns, a movie by whom Sara mentions.

Superman Returns was that good. Yes, very fucking good to the point that I was completely teary-eyed over so many things, hope and freedom, things we don't get much today. The world does need a Superman, something cleverly pointed at in the movie once it gets going. You will believe a man can fly.

I'll admit to being a little sceptical over Superman Returns. First of all, he's not my favorite superhero. Second, the sequels, 3 and 4, were so bloody awful that Hell would be watching them on repeat while strapped to a chair. I can take "Kneel before Zod!" everyday for years but not that loopy Sun-Man with dreamy golden curls. Whoever thought up that flick should have been shot and thought about bringing the 3 disco rejects from Superman 2 back for a rematch. Non, Ursula, and Zod rocked while I do admit a slight crush on the lone female. Sara knows that women in thigh high boots are pretty sexy.

What you'll get out of Superman Returns is a return of a director that absolutely cares about the main character. Bryan Singer's first love was Superman as evidenced in many interviews with him. It's not a suprise that he just turned down X-Men 3 for this with very little thought thanks to a chance after 19 years.

19 years and no Superman. How can you fit into the boots of the late Christopher Reeve? Impossible but Brandon Routhe sure made it believable. While bumbling Clark Kent was okay, the look of him in the blue tights and red boots worked, baby. Superman has been known as a gay man's dream so you have to get it right. Bulge has to be big. Buns gotta be solid. Blue eyes for a girl and guy to lose him or herself into.

Bri, Sara's friend from college, mentioned how he'd seen Superman Returns 3 times with his boyfriend. Of course, I was sceptical due to my not liking Nightwatch, a movie he liked that involved witches, shapeshifters, and vampires. How could a person go see a flick that costs $11 on each visit? New Yorkers have got to be crazy but you know what?

I'd do it again. I sure as hell would see Superman Returns a second or third time thanks to the need to look past watery eyes while the John Williams's theme music plays. Damn fine music as the beginning AND end of the movie pays homage to the original Superman. No joke. The titles move in the same spacey way while the last scene has Superman fly around in the exact same way Christopher Reeve did. Sometimes, I wish I could fly like that, especially after seeing how high gas prices went up while I was gone.

So, how are you? I've kept up with some diaries while at Sara's. I was just too busy with this long week that I had very little time to rest. I'll explain on all that since it's long. Sara's birthday was July 2nd, her mother and I had a long day together that ended up with me driving her home, I learned how to play a card game, and found myself in a long discussion on baseball and war while the gay guys and girls thought it odd. Sara told me that eventually the conversation would turn to boobs since all men do that at some point. Why not? "I Love Titties" was writte in ink on my right hand.

So, I leave you here shaking your head as to what I just said. I'm dying to go see my copy of Superman Returns on my TV in just a few short moments while also finishing up my book where a witch hunts the bad supernatural beings. Yes, you will believe a man can fly but you know what? When you're on the interstate, you have to poop really bad, driving gets more interesting. I'm just saying..........Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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