Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Racism isn't born, folks; it's taught. I have a two-year old son. You know what he hates? Naps. End of list."

-Dennis Leary

Sometimes, I play mind games with myself when it comes to running on the treadmill. I pretend I'm some kind of machine that's being built for some unknown eventual use like Dark Angel (old Jessica Alba TV show). Perfect form, I'm running and puffing like a mean mutha' at the top speed I can go. Right now, I'm slowly going up as 8.2rpm is my best. The things we do when when forced to do what we hate, mind games.

So, Jay-Z is calling the CEO of cristal champagne a racist. What a fool! As much as I hate to look like a conservative, I realize that my hatred for rap music makes me look like one. Jay-Z cries racism all because the CEO mentioned in an article that he's not proud of the bubbly being used in rap lyrics thanks to the shit being said in said music. How is that racist, Jay-Z?

I'm just tired of rap. One last time, it used to be such fun with actual strong words that welcomed thoughts. Some was playful while others brought about a good type of controversy. Believe it or not, Ice T used to stress for kids to stay in school while Public Enemy questioned the government and drug usage (did anyone in the group keep an eye on Flava Flav?).

Now, most rap is all about materialism, money, and how women must drop to their knees. I don't care where you are from. It's completely disrespectful to tell me you are "keeping it real" when more and more black children are born into poverty. Flaunting money like that breeds ignorance that money is power and respect to a young kid growing up.

Oh, how I laughed when Lloyd Banks from G-Unit lost a demo tape in the middle of a threesome. The boy is slippin' when the bitches can rip off a black man like that.

Right now, I should be packing seeing as I leave for Indiana tomorrow morning. I'm just a little too tired right now thanks to my thinking I am a sexy machine that the government wants to use. The whole run was worth it but I like to chill out a bit as I dwell on what I'm going to pack. If I were stoned, there would be an oven mitt, golf balls, and toenail clipper. Now, if I could actually pack like that, I'd have it made.

More money in the budget tends to have people do stupid things. Some schools will start testing kids for drugs. Weird because that's pretty much the only time a person can learn about them. Seeing as how you have to pee in a cup just to work at Wal-Mart, a place you need hallucagen drugs to work at, adults miss out on all the fun. Plus, isn't it the parents' that are supposed to keep the kids off drugs?

I wish drugs were legalized but the big issue is how would we handle it? Think about this. The price of weed hasn't changed much, if at all. A dime bag is pretty much just that, a dime, while the better quality charges a bit more. If the FDA or whatever made all this legal, guess what? The price would triple in a year and weed suddenly becomes too expensive for seniors living on a set income.

No, I'm not a dealer or anything. One of my friends was so I saw the what goes on. The funniest was how he almost cried one night at how everyone paid him in 1-dollar bills. Have you ever seen close to $8,000 in 1-dollar bills? I did. You really can't blame him for crying.

What's with telling kids to stay off drugs when there are all these commercials over the simplest things needing cures? Headaches? Take an aspirin. It's quite hypocritical when almost the entire population is hooked on something. There's all kinds of new germs in the air but, buddy, guess what? I've taken some beatings by barely being able to breathe thanks to cats. So should you. Builds character and you really want diarrhea for a side effect?

FYI: Weed can be good for you. It's been years since I've been stoned but I do remember becoming a chatterbox but a relaxed chatterbox.

Why doesn't anyone interview Nelly Furtado? It seems like forever that I've waited to read what she has to say along with pictures of that gorgeous face of hers. 'Spin' just did an article on her while 'Maxim Blender' did one last month. Her looks are so spectacular to look at but those eyes are so vampiric. I enjoy a good vampiric look and nominate Nelly for an Underworld sequel.

Other than all that, I've cleaned out my email due to my stupidity in not deleting anything for so long. Found myself looking at pictures various people from Diaryland have sent me. Sammy and her family along with her boyfriend was great to see again. It's always fun to see people's parents and find out who's features came from who. Plus, there was this one girl from Diaryland that I haven't heard from in a long while that all guys want. It's no wonder when you see her pictures.

I don't know about you but pictures are fun to look at every now and then. Reminds you that no matter how much rain is falling in your backyard to the point that your little dogs need to put on their swimming trunks, someone out there enjoys ya. Today's flooding in town was nasty.

So, I hope y'all can forgive as I must make my way to the east, in Indiana. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone seeing as my parents need me back soon for dogsitting during their run south. Besides, I left you with some of my greatest hits in regards to entries, how to poop outdoors and why we must walk a mile for our smut. It doesn't get much better from me as I tell it like it is. Sammy, ah sent ya an email! Hit me when you can as I deal with rednecks calling my girlfriend a whore. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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