Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"What are you looking at, sugar tits?"

-Mel Gibson (on the night he was arrested for DUI)

What happened, Mel? I loved watching you in movies along with your goofiness in interviews. Many people will tell you it was Lethal Weapon that got them started on that Gibson fix but not me. No, I was with you at the start of Gallipoli and then onto The Road Warrior. Those movies were so confusing for me because I was so little at the time. Why did you run into that onslaught of machine guns? It must have been really scary to be chased by a guy wearing assless chaps and a mohawk.

A lot of people have been dissing Mel Gibson after this arrest for DUI. Trust me. I get it and even I am one of those that have grown angry at Mel over the years. It's hard because I was a little kid that got started on a love of movies where adventure began to overtake my plate. Forget about cartoons. It's all about machine guns and a damn river to deal with.

Having HBO was a great thing. Back then it was so easily affordable (and even reliable as a customer) so you'd find me smack dab on my butt in the evenings when Mom told me to come in after chasing fireflies or sneaking peeks at an old 'Penthouse' issue. Gallipoli started it for me since I never forgot how Mel Gibson looked, completely unlike any American. Not only that but I couldn't understand why soldiers in this movie would just run into obvious death thanks to gattling guns pointed in their directions.

The Road Warrior. Oh gawd, where do I begin on this movie that I have so much history with all because I saw the same portion over and over? It was the well-known ending where Mel Gibson must drive a bogus tanker to keep the desert thugs away from the people guarding what little fuel was left in this futuristic movie. I'd constantly arrive at a friend's house and find them on this part that I gave up on ever seeing the beginning of this movie.

FYI: I can now say I've seen about 90% of The Road Warrior (or Mad Max 2) and, yes, it is incredible in how weird yet beautifully violent it is. Everyone brings up a discusson on the mohawk guy with the assless chaps because those kinds of guys just don't exist today.

Lethal Weapon. Most people will talk of the first one being the best but, for me, the second was my type. Not only do we get lots of violence (a recurring theme in all Mel Gibson movies) but Patsy Kensit's beautiful boob was on display. To a teenage boy, that is everything at the time when you add machine guns. That's not to say that Lethal Weapon is less worthy in any way. Damn fun movie that my dad watched over and over thanks to TBS and various other channels playing it each weekend. I can recite so many lines even while I tend to think Gary Busey was losing it around this point.

However, the subject is Mel Gibson and I tend to wonder what happened with this guy. While I've never thought of him as anti-semitic but more along the lines of obsessed with violence in his movies. It doesn't take me to feel like I need to watch The Passion because I've seen the images of the scenes people had a hard time watching. Plus, how many saw Braveheart? I loved that movie no matter how false so much of it was.

It's when Hollywood decides on how to clean up an actor/actress that I have problems with. Mel was drunk and said a lot of anti-Jew shit. Am I the only one that thinks what came out was what he really feels? There is this tendency to blame alcohol on so many things, fights and verbal spats. Sorry, for all I know, I have gotten drunk and everything that came out was how I feel.

So, let's all clean up by going to rehab and issuing a public apology! All better! It annoys me how those in Hollywood think that a very public stint in rehab will suddenly clear things up. Mel now loves Jews? Please. Like my 5 dogs will suddenly allow this house to be a quiet house. Why can't Mel just embrace his hysterical rants and enjoy? It worked for the KKK.

It's always hard to watch a star that meant a bit to you just decline in quality. While many think Mel was born in Australia, it wasn't til he was 12 that he went there. Never mind the fact that the first version of Mad Max was not done with his voice thanks to what America deemed as an annoying Australian accent. Mel was born to flash us all those eyes while baring his ass over and over again. Back then, I also had to listen to women swoon over Mel's famous ass shot in Lethal Weapon.

FYI: I wonder if my little ass is as good but I can't look at it in a 3rd person's point of view.

Somehow, through all Mel's religious rantings, I still think back to those flicks I enjoyed, anything that follows from Braveheart on back. Only he and Swayze could rock a mullet. I also love how he has been a faithful father, something quite rare in Hollywood. It's too bad that Mel's mind has been lost for whatever reasons, from his hatred for gays to blaming Jews for the world's problems. Mel, it aint the sauce and rehab aint gonna clean you up.

Did you know you are living in history? Today is the first day in 47 years that Castro is not in power. His 75-year-old brother has control.

So, my dear Samantha, you think it's weird how we complain about hot weather? I can't wait to listen to you bitch us out about the cold, something my body works with in a better way. The days of sweatshirts and the beauty of leaves falling is my time of year.

As for me, it looks like I will be selling off all my comic books on Ebay in the near future. It's time I parted with some history that has been good to me and, no, it's not about growing up. I'll always have a soft spot for Spidey and Batman.

It's just that I want to make room in the extra bedroom and pay off my mother. Plus, I'd like to use some of the money for personal things. It's such an issue for this packrat to part with a past that helped bring about creativity.

My small issue is in how much could I lose. Many comics worth $100 could go up to be $500 in 5 years. It's all thanks to the power of the Internet and our society's new adaption to geek-chic. Seriously. More and more people are admitting to liking comic book characters. Just witness the huge debate in the chatrooms over the fact that Heath Ledger has been given the role of The Joker for the new Batman flick.

FYI: I am not happy with Heath as The Joker. Alan Cumming would have been good but I tend to think of him more as Nightcrawler thanks to X-Men 2. I forgot who'd be the best. Anyone?

Well, if you enjoy weird newstories like I do, there was a kid caught masturbating in a public library. It was all caught on tape and even shown on the 'Net. Think you've had a bad day? This kid was recently arrested again for masturbating in public again. At least there is no known tape of the guy that decided to evade arresting officers by cutting off his penis and then throwing it at them.

Are people getting more insane or is it the Internet's power that has us seeing more than we'd wish to? Does anyone have a grandfather that would have you sit on his knee and tell you that his first time cutting off his penis was the hardest thing but it got better after the 4th time and the cops returned it more promptly? You know the type. There are old guys out there telling us young'uns that they had to walk through miles of snow to get their porn while all we have to do is turn on the computer.

More info:

-You can find a list of most unusual objects found in women's vaginas. Just how many year-old tampons can a girl handle, yo?

-One website has a list of objects that have gotten lost up people's asses. Wish I still remembered that site because it was so shocking what people can put up there. Makes the hundreds of men that masturbate with vaccum cleaners look normal even after nearly losing their penises to too much suction.

So, I leave you here as I humbly depart. The heat has me waking up at odd hours where I just cannot go back to sleep. There is a good thing and that is that I have seen Christina Aguilera's music video around 6 times. I just cannot get enough of how good it is, folks. Plus, I've just discovered Cassie and she is mighty fine, close to Nicole of The Pussycat Dolls. Would you believe that I loved the roller skating scenes in Jessica Simpson's new video? I cannot believe I used the word "love" in a sentence that involves her. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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