Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Plus ce change. Plus ce meme chose."

-The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I've gotta give it up to VH1 for driving my pathetic white ass to addiction. This Flavor Of Love show (Sundays at 9pm) has me laughing at some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen. It all started with my hearing about a girl's desperate need to poop on Flav's floor and now it's gotten into how to seduce a ho's heart.

Kentucky Fried Chicken. Of course, some of y'all call it "KFC." It's not my favorite place to eat since I am not a fried chicken type o' guy but Flav..........oh, he takes a girl thinking she's gonna be wined and dined. The best words I can come up with is that the man is keeping it real in finding love.

However, I am a little concerned about this Flavor Of Love TV show's possibility in scaring off white guys that love black women. All of these scary stereotypes keep coming up in which one girl looks as if she could kill another girl. There is also the getting-in-yo'-face actions that can cause a white man to cowar behind couches. How many of y'all know what to do when a girl comes at you just milimeters to your face and using her fingers to get her point across even harder?

As much as I hate Flav in how he is pretty much a burnt troll that needs to be placed back under his bridge, I was impressed with his decision to take a date to pick strawberries. Or is that just thanks to the TV channel's decision as to where to film?

Hurricane Katrina. Why is it there are certain events that can bring back memories of where you were so easily? I know for certain that I was playing basketball when OJ was being chased in the white Bronco. September 11th was when I was walking down the hallway to attend my Health Studies class only to see all the teachers huddled close together as if someone came into the place with a weapon earlier. Hurricane Katrina's events were a little different.

I was in a pub with Sara and her dad. Sara's mom wasn't there but I distinctly remember the dad telling me how stubborn Sara is. Of course, we laughed and talked. Possibly, the dad and I talked baseball. It's just that I completely remember the TV screen in back of him talking about Hurricane Katrina's events going on.

Now Hurricane Earnesto is making his way upwards to the Florida Keys. Good timing, my man! I was beginning to wonder when a hurricane was going to make itself known even if I worry how New Orleans could handle it. Bush is going to have to allow for a shorter vacation because people aint gonna take the political bullshit a second time.

Then again, this is America, home of the short attentions spans. Bush did get re-elected again (or is it true about Ohio?) thanks to people thinking that the Democrats would just allow terrorists into the country. Abuh and his 57 AK-47s need a home while he thinks of those 72 virgins about to be poked.

Ah, it's good to be back in the gym. Today found me laughing at Old Nick looking as determined as ever on the treadmill. You just cannot shake his confidence because he really is there to get the job done. In his early 60's and the man is as toned as a teenager. It's no wonder Old Nick enjoys the attention of college girls.

Me, I've got sore triceps and know that waking up is going to be hard to do thanks to going at it hardcore with the shoulders. Plus, I'm back to sit-ups since it's time to mix up my workout again. Doing the same thing over and over makes a whitey like me bored.

Come to think of it, I could honestly say that I would be scared of dating a black girl. No, I wouldn't get beatin' up or anything like that. We've had problems with some from the local high schools carrying bats and forming gangs (no joke-some beat up a police officer last month). It's that getting in my face and waving the finger thing that gets to me. I have no answer as to how to deal with that. Do I back up? Do I back up and wait for her finger to tire out so I can get up in her face? I'd probably giggle and mimic the movements while hoping someone turns on some music for me to krump to.

Everyone must see Little Miss Sunshine. It has the funniest theatrical trailer where everyone is pushing the van only to jump in one at a time.

So, I'm outta here after spending mucho of my day with nervous energy over this road trip to Atlanta. My mom is getting on my nerves by constantly asking me when I am leaving. I'm thinking about getting a mini chalkboard to wear around my neck with the words "I Don't Fucking Know!" so I can just point at it without interupting my eating dinner or lunch or breakfast. Plus, Dad wants me to work on Ebay again. Think Little Miss Sunshine has weirdos for a family? Come see mine. I'm the science nerd hung up on spiders and Teddy Grahams. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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