Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, you're probably asking yourself, "Where's Hedgie?" I'll answer that with a simple explanation that he's gone on a 10-hour road trip with 3 individuals. One of them just so happens to be his girlfriend of over 1.5 years.

Want to know who's in this car? Click on the above "Pictures" page and stare at the group photo. It's almost 1 year ago to this day that we made our way to Atlanta, Georgia to see all the madness of geeks, dorks, dweebs, losers, nerds, and various people that live in their parents' basements all while being frightened of the opposite sex. Girls, in all truthfulness, can be scary. I'd just have a problem with teenagers that continue to think they have cooties.

I'll be at a convention and visiting a house in South Carolina where dachsunds raided my travel bag to chew up my toothbrush last time. It's there that we will rest since meeting famous people while photographing dorks can be tiresome. You think you know what you're walking into but you have no idea. Last year, I would have thought we were extras in a Star Wars remake. They're that good, folks.

So, I promise lots of pictures, seeing as I am taking 3 digital disposable cameras. Hopefully, there will be some sexy geeks.

Oh, and a mighty big thank you to those that send me birthday wishes, seeing as I might be away during all this. Yes, yours truly was born on September 6th and I'm not kidding about having muscles. Sara loves 'em.

No daily entries so, please, go out and have sex, picnics, run around the woods, take a shower with your mate, feed chipmunks, masturbate like a fiend, and follow the Scooby Doo van driving through your neighborhood. Plus, I have over 2,000 entries if you still haven't figured me out.

I'll miss my little "Mexican" that "speaks good English" and is pretty much considered my best friend over the 'Net, Hiss, Summer, Zu-Zu, Stepford, and others as I sit in that car for many hours only to seek relief in rest stops. Hopefully, Sara won't bust my lip open this time. She can be pretty dangerous when extremely happy. I'll be back. I promise. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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