Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I used to wear flip-flops and that's why they called me Thong Boy. Nothing to do with wearing something inside my butt crack."

-Ex-Stripper Major Victory on 'Who Wants To Be A Superhero?'

Okay, I am grouchy and getting worse by the second. My mother has continued to spit out the same question over and over in regards to the upcoming road trip that I have no clue about. All I have done is worked a bit on packing even if I feel like I am pretty much in the dark.

Even if I have put it in my mind that I am not going to Atlanta, it all comes back to me when the words, "When are you leaving?" come up again and again. I play mind games with myself only to lose once my mother comes across me in the halls or at dinner. Will I ever find peace and actually look forward to all this since I have no fucking clue?

Ever typed in just about anything to see what it's going for on Ebay? I've come across pretty much anything I've always wanted, some at good prices while others are just plain rip-offs. I may have a copy of the ultra rare DVD, Last Days Of Disco, but even I don't see it as worth $199. Yeah, I love Kate Beckinsale, too, but the only way I'd fork over that kind of money for a DVD is if she's completely nude with Keira Knightley whom is smothering chocolate strawberries all over the both of them.

Editor: "Boys dreams, so simple yet impossible."

Are you a Veronica Mars fan? You know I am since I just cannot get enough of our spunky heroine with amazing skills put forth in a detective agency run by her father that would rival any sherlock. Veronica Mars is back on October 3rd! Whoo! The only problem is that this season will be 12 episodes instead of the usual 22. Damn them for this as I'm hoping Veronica's dorm life is just as mine was, overrun by smelly people and people too cheap to use the driers by hanging up clothes in the middle of the room.

I don't know how a show like Veronica Mars will work when placing our girl in college. Worked for Buffy so I'll take what I can get since this season also deals with an episode that was not finished from the second one. Gotta be nice to have steel-trapped memory.

Okay, I know I put out a little venom towards reality TV shows in yesterday's semi-exciting entry. The following are what I like and why:

1). Project Runway only because these people have real talent and aren't hoping for media exposure. You see the good and the bad along with contestants being put through creative tests. I've only seen several second season episodes and 1 of this season's. It may not be my cup of tea in regards to what I enjoy in life but the time passes fast so I must be entertained while Vera Wang annoys me. The funny thing is that Sara and I completely disagree on which people we like.

2). Rock Star. One word: freaky. Some of these people can really rock out on that stage with impressive presence. A lot of today's so-called talent can learn from these people, hungry for the exposure with music. I know P. Diddy should take note along with Jessica Simpson. It's pink-haired Dilana (sp?) that drove me to watch a couple episodes. Guns N Roses's Gilby Clark looks great! Good to see him as a judge while I could do without the morons, Dave and Tommy Lee.

3). Survivor. Only the first 3 seasons were fun while the rest need to change things around. It's become the same thing over and over, tribes are made, alliances shake things up, and a gay guy waves his penis at the anti-gay people. The fact that they are going to divide the teams by race and nationality intriques me but my mom went a little further. Why not have a white person with the blacks and vice versa along with Asians and Hispanics? If what happens in my gym is any indication, I'd get along fine with the blacks and Asians.

4). Dancing With the Stars. Because I want to see Jerry Springer and Tucker Carlson shake their asses. It's sick. It's really sick but I hate them both so much and am curious if Tucker keeps the bow tie. Am I the only one that thinks his partner will end up hating him after less than a week of practice?

5). Flavor Of Love. Everyone told me to watch this show, Bald-O and Tammalah especially. What can I say? A woman poops on Flav's floor and I was hook'd. Do women really want a rich guy that looks like a burned troll and has over 5 kids, some of whom he doesn't know the names for? The stereotypes are all there so I'm sure white boys looking to date black girls are now fearful of doing so.

And so it brings me to 2-A-Days, MTV's show where we follow an Alabama football team. The obvious is there, the nasty coach and boys run all over til they puke in the heat. What I like is seeing how it makes my relationship with Sara feel more fun.

1). Sara trusts me. Well, at least I hope so. I don't hide the fact that some girls just come after me very heavily when I least expect it. My friends think I'm crazy to be so loyal or that I deserve to sleep with other girls while staying with Sara. Like I said, it's just not me. I've never cheated or strayed in any way. Made one cry when I told her I was with Sara. So, what can I say? I'm loyal to the core and remember the effect my dad's cheating on my mom had on me.

2). There is only a small amount of drama. Sara and I do argue but that's a normal part of all relationships. It's just that we don't see the point in fighting over little things. Yes, Samantha, I do have it easy in only being with her every now and then. However, if you've seen my past relationships, girls I've known seem to want to fight over useless issues all the time.

3). I like how I don't have to spend so much time in bars. Who can hear in those places? Overpriced beer every weekend? Ugh. Sara and I are pretty low key. If we're in a bar, it's nothing where people are constantly trying to grind up on you. One girl came up to me and told me she wanted to blow me. A lot of guys have that fantasy but not I. My ass has been grabbed a lot so just ask me about the "pooltable incident." Tackiness is a college graduate hanging out in a campus bar trying to pick up college girls. Nuff said.

4). Movies. Debate 'em. Nothing with Hilary Duff but Brick..........yeah, let's talk about how amazing that movie is. Go through a lot of girls' DVD collections and you come across so many old Disney flicks. Nothing wrong with Disney but I'd rather have someone that thinks beyond the 5-year-olds. Plus, Sara likes porn more than I do so that's a little twist to add. I'm pretty confident that my penis size can contend with those boys so no jealousy here.

5). Chhhhanges as Bowie once said. I like how someone I'm with could help me with those. Sara's pretty vocal on my sense of style while I want her to get more into working out. That's why it's a nice moment where she took off for a workout and came back with her sweaty stinky self. Sara, I'm far worse in smelliness than you when it comes to the gym. My change is how she's gonna dress me a little better because I know how I need major help in that area.

6). Does anyone else feel like a touch can signify something? When I touch Sara I feel completely relaxed. Before, adrenaline drove me nuts by making me hungry all the time. Now, I am calm and feel completely at ease while sleeping next to Sara. She may be up later into the night than I am but I can deal with it seeing as she'll insist I hold her while she sleeps. Well, at least til my snoring awakens her and has her thinking that a good frying pan to my head might be a good idea.

I'd love to see Sara with solid steel-like abs. She's already got the most perfect looking breasts to go with them and I'm not even a breast man. See? I'm changing already by doing the occasional "motor boat" sound with them.

Take this entry as it is, mildly funny or just plain pathetic. I hate reality shows but those above have held my attention span. Talent is not getting wasted on TV but showing who you really are while proving why you should be there in front of an audience. I can wiggle my pectoralis muscle but that's not talent. Being forced to look happy while dancing with Tucker Carlson is talent. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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