Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Hannibal King: "She's making playlists. She likes to listen to MP3s when she hunts. It's like her own internal soundtrack. House, dance, trip-hop, whatever kids listen to these days. Me, I'm more of a David Hasselhoff fan."

-Blade: Trinity

How many love a little change in the usual habits? Normally, I'd be relaxed after a workout but there are times I pace a little to the point that it all makes me hungrier. I've told you about how I now take my dog, Buffy, out for a little walk around the backyard (now includes front) since she's showing major enthusiasm once I get her leash. How about them apples?

I'm now laying in bed after a walk only to find myself eating 2 apples I dip in caramel. Yummy. Even my dog has started staring at me ever since she got a little taste of peanut butter caramel. Apples are nice but apples are orgasmic in caramel. I try to use a thin blade when it comes to smearing since thicker causes me to get a little too much on. There must be a good ratio of caramel and apple or the point is gone.

In case you saw the news reports about Americans not eating enough fruits and vegetables, I am one of those. I'm trying to overcome my complete carnivore attitude.

Found myself walking around downtown to kill time. The doctor's appointment finished ahead of time (odd, very odd) so I didn't want to waste gas by going home and then coming back to pick up comics.

Our downtown used to be so lively. Many famous bands got their start at one of my favorite bars. If you've ever heard of a little band called Smashing Pumpkins, you'll get my drift on how good we once had it. I just cannot imagine Billy Corgin on that small stage with D'Arcy and James. Lucky for me to catch them on Halloween night with Garbage.

I'm not putting our downtown completely down. The bar I mentioned has made a comeback after being sold, resold, and sold again til the original name was brought back. Trust me. I know this place due to being a groupie long ago for a band I loved like mad. Well, not that kind of groupie because it was made up of several older guys, one named "Grizz" for a reason.

Since I had around 35 minutes to kill downtown, I stopped in a pawn shop to stare at weapons. My butterfly knife collection has been collecting dust so an all black blade would be nice to bring back the days of flipping 'em around. Yes, I'm good but it took a lot of cuts and the occasional 'sicks' where I had to pull out the sharper point.

I'm old enough to remember records. Hell, I used to scour the local college's most famous due to my dad being heavily into music. Some of us, even if CDs sound better, still miss the large cardboard keeping the vinyl safe. That first crackle when you put one on is deeply missed.

20 or so minutes is easy to kill when I'm firmly planted in a used video game, DVD, CD, and record shop. Since I know the owner from the old days of him being taken under the wing of an old Rolling Stones roadie, I always get a wave as I walk in the door.

Some of you don't know records and that's okay. For me, it's just a few memories that come back as I thumb through a few to pass the time. My first would be Husker Du. I'm not sure but I think Bob Mould was in this band. Now, the only reason this is major with me is because my best friend I lost to alcohol was obsessed with this group. Obsessed to the point that I had to listen to them everyday and learn the greatness.

Me? While it was nice to see "Husker Du" clearly labeled on a record, I was more happily humming Debbie Gibson songs thanks to finding 2 of her biggest albbums, the first and second. Yes, I know there must be something wrong with me seeing as a blonde girl just cannot compete with genius that is Bob Mould. Sorry, mo'fo, but this is my diary and I'm gonna remember "Electric Youth," "Only In My Dreams," and "Lost In Your Eyes" like the sap I am.

Plus, it amused me how out of the new Star Wars DVDs containing the original versions played in the theater long ago prior to the CGI shit, Return Of the Jedi was left alone. Good choice even if I did like that one as well. Empire Strikes Back had so much dark sinister going-ons thanks to us finding out Vader was Luke's father and those Imperial Walkers. Ewoks? Good if you're 10.

I don't know about you but I'm tempted to play my Empire Strikes Back DVD. It's possible that nerds found romance since Han Solo and Princess Leia shared some of the best dialogue.

Leia: "I love you."

*Han Solo is about to be lowered into a chamber to be frozen*

Han: "I know."

Girls love boys with a little confidence and to look good in a vest.

Too bad no one told that to Tucker Carlson as he was kicked off the Dancing With the Stars. He was terrible and that's just from the short portion I caught tonight. I hate that guy but laughed at how awful he is just in how he stands up after sitting on a chair. Realized something. I almost didn't recognize Tucker Carlson without his signature bowtie.

Good Pay Per View Idea #245: Make Tucker Carlson dance with Jon Stewart.

For all you Saved By the Bell fans, my mom whom watches Dancing With the Stars told me that A.C. Slater or Mario Lopez was awesome. She'd dance with him. Even better for you gals that miss Mario would be to check out Nip/Tuck. He's naked in the shower scenes.

I can see Sammy racing to her TV set hoping for good reception even if I know her main crush was Zach. Never liked the girls but Screech was kinda hot in an odd peculiar way.

I've got to admit that I was awfully tempted to drive out to Indiana. Sara has caused much disturbance in the force within me thanks to mention of a surprise for me. I've guessed that it has to do with Batman, Elektra, or she knows of an orgy we can watch take place. That makes me wonder just how it all starts. Do you just hand over all your clothes and hope that the participants don't look like they belong on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club? Tits don't belong on the floor.

You know what else? My little brother says he knows what to get me for my birthday. It's been what? 7 days since? Jeez, I hope he doesn't crack under the pressure.

So, I bid thee a good night seeing as I'm pleased as punch to find ladies lacing my notes page with assumptions as to what is liberal bias on our TV stations. Yes, George Bush has done a FEW good things for this world BUT they are like a drop in the bucket of how much bad that man has done. Say a guy robs and rapes someone. After being caught red-handed with his drawers down, he bitches about how he helped an old lady cross the street being a reason not to convict. Doesn't do any good and neither does Tucker Carlson when it comes to dancing. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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