Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Places to go, people to sniff."

-Buffy, my dog

I'll be honest. I'm just plum poop'd out due to a busy day of various things and that new habit of taking my little dog, Buffy, out for a walk, a walk that has now changed. Well.......sorta.

Buffy and I are now walking around the block, neighborhood, or whatever the fuck you call it. This is all completely new for us since our normal times have been spent in the backyard alone while squirrels look at us. Quite possibly, they could be giving us the finger due to Buffy's need to tell them all to haul ass out of her yard. For a 5 pounder, my dog has a big mouth.

So, that's what we did, walked around. Buffy's very good on a leash and even behaved herself while 3 female joggers ran by. Yes, it's obvious that a large guy with little dog looks kind of funny. Add the fact that I was telling Buffy to hurry the fuck up because not every brick needs to be sniffed. Girls see boy talk to dog. Girls wonder what the hell is going through boy's head.

A Yorkshire Terrier is not a very large dog. At it's largest, it could be close to 12 pounds. Buffy's about 5 so the short run we did around the block clearly wiped her out. Of course, that doesn't stop her from giving a little lip to a white poodle on the other side of the street. Girl got 'tude.

Dog: "Who's house!?! Buffy's house!"

Remember how I told you that it's so easy for males to bond thanks to a mutual love of the TV show, Jackass? I don't even watch the show but I've found myself laughing at various things those guys did in the small portions I did catch. Bottlerockets lit while in buttholes? Check. Stapling ass cheeks together? So old hat.

In my gym, I got into a large discussion with 4 women over the VH1's Flavor Of Love 2. If you have not seen this show, I'll warn you that it is super addictive as all shows narrated by what looks to be a burnt troll, "your man, Flava Flav!"

Guys have Jackass and girls have Flavor Of Love. There must be something different in the air as I talked to Tamallah about Something (Flave gives each girl a nickname) pooping on Flava Flav's floor along with who I think is the prettiest out of all the ho's this man has to select from. It's not easy when the women represent stereotypes that respectable black women cringe at. Well, even I do kinda think it is a talent to be able to clap with your ass cheeks.

That's pretty much why my time in the gym was basically spent talking to girls about the show. Everyone has an opinion over the stereotypes and just how low VH1 has gone. Forget about those Behind the Music episodes. Anyone can become an alcholic and lose a career over a divorce. It takes a real man to find a nice ho that will remember all 9 of his kids' names.

Plus, I got to see a guy do his best to ask out a girl, one that is completely out of his league. Him, a chunky Asian and her, a gorgeous Italian that moved here from Arkansas (She came up to talk to me and relax, Sara, the girl is engaged. I told her about your flowers and that we've been together for over 1.5 years.). We might root for the underdog but there are times we have our limits.

Learned some new Australian today. "Rooting" is another way of saying "fucking." It's kind of weird for me to say that since I would think more along the lines of something with plants. Do I still "root" for the underdogs?

I'm going to cut this short as I need to plan a few things since this boy needs to get his ass to Indiana soon. Plus, I've finished Part 1 in a series of 3 books. As much as I'd like a time out from them, that itch is growing to find out what evil doings Mina is up to. What do you expect from a guy that talks to his dog? Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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