Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Godfrey: "You are not what you are born, but what you have it in yourself to be."

-Kingdom Of Heaven

Am I the only one that finds the pope's words slightly amusing? I'm supposed to be Catholic but I decided long ago that I shall bear no religion in helping me to decide my life. The pope's words were always what I found to be completely out of touch with reality and the world. Why do people put so much faith in an old guy that doesn't live the life of the average person?

Still, wouldn't you love to take the Popemobile for a little spin?

In case you were stuck on your throne thanks to a 14-flusher due to this past week's work drama, the pope quoted a statement from long ago in regards to Muslims. Of course, he stated what we all know, that they are a violent religion. Gee, where did anyone get that idea from?

And, of course, we must bow and repent our sins for thinking such things. Pity that no one stands up and asks why the Muslim religion is seen as one where anyone questioning this Muhammad character is put to death. Why is it that so many bombings are done by radical freaks that insist that death for them means 72 virgins all awaiting with lust? The ironic thing is that many Muslims protested and called for the pope's punishment. Did I not tell you that the statement was a quote?

I'm not ignorant. While there are radical Muslims that terrorize the world, there are peaceful ones living an existence I feel comfortable with. Christians are all around telling people how they should live their lives while there are those that find this distasteful. Bush considers himself an impressive Christian while ignoring the plight of the poor and making the rich richer. Funny how you'd almost see him as saying all Muslims are bad while I could take that statement and consider all Christians just as much so.

Do you wonder why there is such a clash with the world of Islam? Bush has divided this world the point that it will take decades before we're ever seen as a country with heart. I'm constantly frustrated with all religions but it sickens me more when countries tell me that their reasoning for things is just that, in the name of god. People that have no understanding of how the world works, namely those with a silver spoon in their mouths, should not be allowed to lead.

Want to know how to make a small noisey dog quiet? I took Buffy for her usual 1 of 2 walks, 1 in the late morning and the other right after I get back from the gym. She was out, completely asleep on my bed after the first. Buffy may be in much better shape than before a walk around the block on those little legs just becomes a sweet lullaby.

Today was a little adventuress, as all evenings tend to be. Buffy had a little shouting match with a bag of trash. Now, she has seen garbage bags before so this is remarkably odd to see a little dog bark at it. Buffy's heart is that of a lion because that bag of trash was 10 times her size.

Another note on learning to deal with a small dog is that one must hold that leash hard. You never know when it's going to pull you so suddenly. It seems Buffy has taken it upon herself to do battle with those creatures that spend days and early evening chittering away in trees, squirrels. 2 of them were on the ground that Buffy wanted a piece of, or maybe just their nuts since she does eat a lot.

What's funny about these walks is how Buffy reacts once I get the leash out. She loves this and will insist on making things easier for me by standing completely still in order for me to lock the leash on. No fidgeting. No distracted actions. Buffy wants to tell the neighborhood that this is her house. Who's house?

All: "Buffy's house!!!"

I've never heard of a female dog insisting on peeing in every yard but Buffy hits 'em, a lot of them. There is much p-mail to check and respond to.

My night in the gym was one where I thought I should learn to take caution. Ever since I've been watching that Flavor Of Love 2, it's been a concern of mine to know how to deal with a mad black woman. You know the type, she'll come at you with her fingers and that headroll that scares white women senseless. I'm sure those in the public educaion system know what I'm talking about.

My girl, Tamallah, is a tough black woman that can deal with anything. Not only does she have a bootie that Beyonce would envy but you'll see a ring on that finger given to her by the biggest black dude I've ever seen in my life. Guess who's friends with him since he's a white boy that can talk 'street?'

Tamallah told me that the only way you can deal with a mad black woman is to back up. Just back up. If there is major finger pointing while the whites of her eyes become too apparent, you're fucked. A mad black woman is like a great white shark surrounded by fat sailors bleeding from the their thighs. Your only choice is to hope she releases you from her sights. Just back up.

As for the other drama from my gym, Slutwatcher just doesn't have it in himself to talk to that gorgeous Italian. He asks me all these questions about her since she talks to me a lot. What can I say? I'm friendly and she is fun to know even if guys stare with jealousy over whoever talks to her.

I think women know what a man's intentions are, at times. Nothing can be seen as perfect but I do get the idea that a woman can rely on a sense as to whether a guy is talking with heart or groin. Slutwatcher may have a harder time showing his reasons since a 36-year-old guy that spends much of his time looking up girls' shorts is pretty creepy. I've already suggested to him that he should bring in binoculars.

But then again, I do feel sorry for Slutwatcher. It's obvious that he has very little chance of bedding down a woman due to things in need of a change. An extremely horny man is very dangerous within himself. Mentally, SW needs to realize that not every woman is a slut nor do they need to feel they have to keep their legs tightly closed during every workout. Plus, the man needs to clean his teeth and fingernails. Really icky because just how would a woman kiss that?

You know what? I'm so glad my mother raised me more so than my father. A strong woman like her is getting harder to find these days thanks to many being too busy in life. Not only do I adore women but my lust for reading came from her as well thanks to all those bedtime stories.

Now, don't go thinking that I'm completely boring and worship women since they can do no wrong. I've got my problems with both sexes and all religions. It's just that a man who really understands the art of eating pussy is one a woman should cherish just as he treats her as a queen. Plus, any woman that sends a man flowers.........well, you get the idea.

So, I'm outta here as I'm seeing a small possibility to visit Sara this weekend. Not sure but I want to spend mucho time with her before I sell my soul to work. Now, go out there and shout to the moon that this is Buffy's house. If not, she'll shit like a champ in your lawn. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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