Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Man: "How're you doin'?"

Me: "I've had a really bad day."

Man: "Really? I just got a divorce and had to pay $10,000 to do so."

Me: "Suddenly I don't feel like I have it THAT bad."

It's true that I've had a bad day. Not even the fact that American Ninja played on one of the 500 movie channels thanks to the glories of satellite pepped me back up. That beautiful art of ridding the world of "black star ninjas" while looking mighty in a much better black ninja outfit (Ooooh, the red sash! So fetch!) just didn't do it for me. I'm down, kids.

My former boss will remain just that, a former boss. I came into the store to ask him if they received my application only to find out they did not. 25 web pages I had to go through! The horror! You just cannot do that even if Doug said that their use of an 'Net application was to find more "quality people." I need not worry because Doug will leave info to get my ass back into the store.

Now the problem. Doug is leaving. I know I did some light bitching on some of his management ways but the man was awesome for a boss in others. Never before had I met a boss that I laughed my ass off over a discussion over his college life. Lonely man living alone with only a 'Hustler' subscription makes for a great conversation. Plus, Doug had this hilarious way of being boss while also being a friend. A lot of people just cannot do that. Have you ever seen an employee cause a boss to get mad but then see the two of them laughing not more than 2 minutes later? That was Doug and I.

Not only was Doug a good guy to know, even through some minor faults (No boss should ever bring an employee into the office just to show 'Playboy' pics while everyone else is slaving away.), he protected me from my enemies. You know the names for they are very familiar thanks to all my anger directed towards them here, Crotch Rot and Clown. Doug held control over who gets fired and those two wanted me gone. Why? I stand up for myself since I just cannot sit still while a complete idiot says complete bullshit to get a reaction.

Fact: Crotch Rot is notorious for making people hate her. Last year, she made 1 girl cry in the restroom. Clown's a little weaker but good friends with Crotch Rot. I'm lucky she's a bit scared of me since I have nothing to lose. Oh, how Clown hated it that Doug and I were friends.

Now I'm beginning to wonder just what I've gotten myself into. There are some reasons I decided to go back to my old job:

1). I wanted to go to Dragon Con one last time to get it right. The first time in Atlanta had me so new to everything and losing over an hour of time when everyone lost me while I was in line to meet Tricia Helfer of Battlestar Galactica.

2). Doug. Fun guy and there were a lot of times where it didn't feel like a job nor was he a boss. I took part in some of the decision making. For instance, there was going to be a drawing for $500 as a Christman bonus. To me, that was unfair for all of us that spent so many hours late into the night. Dividing it between us would be much better. It worked!

3). Much of the time, I get moments to stand there and think. I'm kind of the ghost in the back of the store thanks to my dealing with boxes and the baler. Scary thing, that baler is and dangerous. They trusted me with being alone with so much merchandise. There are people that need to be around others but I only need that every now and then.

Now, now I don't know what to think. With Doug gone it just might be Hedgehoggy hunting season for Crotch Rot and Clown. Or it could be great thanks to a fresh new boss. I've seen him, a little odd but Doug was that way as well. My first thought on him was "Does this guy eat?" It's no wonder I kept getting asked about my weight-lifting habits. Extremely skinny guys always show jealousy on how much attention we get.

So, I got another issue that came up. One of my friends works at the gym and he told me that that gorgeous Italian girl hates how everyone stares at her. My jaw dropped and not in a good way. I've said it once and I will say it again.

Why do women say they hate attention when they bring it on to themselves!?!

Okay, heard this one before? Beautiful girl walks into a bar wearing jeans that are so low you can practically see her mons pubis (It's your crotch bump) and obvious thong. Girl then complains about the large amount of men with their tongues hanging out while she walks by. That's too goddamn bad because I always played a game with Bald-O back in our college days. See who can spot the most thongs.

Gorgeous Italian girl is, yes, very pretty. The major problem I have with her is that she's always wearing very low cut shorts, tummy baring shirts, and tight lycra on other days. Of course, guys are going to look! Dumb slanky slink! If you don't want guys to try to sneak a look up your shorts, you wear something less revealing like was Cass does. She looks nice in long shorts and tank that doesn't bring out her nipples.

Don't tell me that designers don't make clothes that are less revealing for women. All you need for the gym is a sports bra underneath an old t-shirt and long shorts. I think women look nice like this. Kim does it, too, even if she's dying to find a boyfriend after her ex-husband left.

I don't know. There are times when I *think* I get women and then there are those that bring me back to square one. Gorgeous Italian girl is an idiot so I'm glad that we only get her for a month more. School will be finished and Slutwatcher can stop asking me everything she came up to talk to me about. That poor sexless man does kind of have a right to glance but not stare.

Who cares if some guy saw your underwear!?! Mine's always quite obvious seeing as my shorts are always low. The positions I'm in while lifting weights will tell you whether I'm wearing white. If I'm feeling naughty, they'll be black.

People look at each other a lot in the gym. Today, a kid stared at the amount of weight I bench pressed. A lot of people even like to see what others are doing and compare workouts. A gym is basically a place where a lot of people go to be seen. Deal with it or would you rather be one of those obese people walking on the treadmill for weeks only to quit?

I'm sorry for being all grumpy and not my usual self. I did have an amusing entry planned since I wanted to get everyone thinking. It's quite possible that I'll be in Indiana tomorrow but I worry that I'm a little too down. I miss Sara and quite possibly need someone to pound some sense into me. I hope those are just rumors that Keira Knightley is about to be engaged. Not only will divorce be a bitch but I'd hate to see her do movies that don't find her with a gun in her hand and a smirk on her face. Marriage tends to take that edge away from some people. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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