Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
George Hanson: "It's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace."

-Easy Rider

People always have dumb looks on their faces when I tell them that I'd rather have a porno palace next to a school than a church. It's like they have no idea as to what to say but suddenly start spitting drivel that even they don't get how stupid it makes them sound.

You've heard it all before but just in case:

"Gays are bad!"

"The 10 Commandments belong in court!"

"It's all for the children!"

"Die, Fags, Die!"

You see, I have this insane belief that those people that think they need to go up on a soapbox and spit out such things are really for those very things they say negative things about. Just like those stupid letters sent to magazines where a guy asks if he's gay all because he loved it when a girl accidently brushed her finger against his asshole. I know for a fact that I am not gay but I love a good fingering.

If you haven't caught on, I'm just completely shocked at how people have reacted to the latest crap from our government. This Foley guy sent some explicit instant messages to underage pages. Big whoop. I get emails that continualy ask how my penis is doing. If you must know, it's hanging a little to the right for now.

It's no secret that I hate this world and how much common sense has disappeared each decade. Why people vote for those that constantly spit out how bad homosexuality is is beyond me. That's something that doesn't make me want to vote for them. What's more likely is someone that knows how badly damaged our earth is and tells the truth:

"The War On Drugs failed."

"Kinky sex can be good so stop praying after you can't locate the can opener that somehow got lodged up your ass with the measuring spoons."

"Weed can be good."

There's so much more but you get the point. Politicians that constantly go around telling us the obvious just don't get to me. When they do those ads where you see them smiling with their kids, all I see is the exploiting of their kids or he/she ties them up after dinnertime. Creepy so it's no wonder Halloween has to be so close to election time.

Now, let's take the porno palace. I feel far more comfortable in a place with images of what a human being should enjoy. It's completely criminal to go around and tell me how disgusting sex is and that women should keep their legs shut while being ordered around by a guy with a pointy hat. I'm sorry but the supressing of sex just leads to behaviors normally found in the insane.

A long time ago, I visited a porn place thanks to a friend in high school. The owner noticed how I collected 'Playboy' mags but nothing else. As much as I love good ol' gynecology viewpoints, too many just make me feel like the woman is degraded. Nicest guy I, this porn owner. He trusted me by letting me go in the back and sort through a large collection to see what I needed. I could have easily just walked out the side door with what I wanted.

I wish politicians would just tell us how much they love to fuck. Wouldn't it be great if Clinton talked about how great pussy is? Gawd, I can't imagine how bad things would get if my friend, Kim, ran and talked about how much she loves to give blowjobs. I'd trust what these people had to say more than what is running nowadays.

It's kind of like my problem with Diaryland. Too many people spend entry after entry talking about how their boyfriend is gone or broken up with them. Get over it! While I hate your diary over it's broken record phase, you don't like mine because I speak the truth. I eat pussy and I get a bad reaction from eating Taco Doritos.

It's no secret that I didn't feel very comfortable in private Catholic school. A small amount of repression mixed with a lack of being able to be creative all while nuns battled with me would do wonders to you. I felt like an android saying things over and over again. Sure, it's a nice thing to feed the poor but when did I ever see people that worked there do this? I had an obese principal that slowly destroyed the metal chair she sat in while watching us eat lunch.

The rumor was that our principal ate kids. I spent some time in her office but I wasn't eaten. Lucky, lucky me.

Bill Maher made a good point at how George Bush talks about how he is a good Christian only to not follow anything in this religion's beliefs. Our poor have gotten poorer while the corporations are now making billions. We have more billionaires than ever while the living wage is still at a standstill. Yes, some businesses go above but can't we admit that $5.75/hour is just not possible? It may not be all of Bush's fault but I'd like to see someone get up and tell us that America is for rich people instead of telling me that child molestors are bad. I know that already.

Sounds like I had a bad day? Not really. The fact that I got caught in the rain while walking Buffy was kind of fun. A lady came running out of nowhere during her walk telling me how much she'd wanted to pet my dog. The rain was the reason she couldn't so I just watched her run back into her house. Weird. People watch me from their windows but are either too shy to come out or they just think I'm some kind of weirdo. Since when do big guys walk tiny dogs?

Yes, we have found some Batman and Superman outfits for dogs. The only problem is that Buffy is pretty much considered a midget. I might have to improvise because there is so much pride in me to see her walk down the sidewalk as if it's her mission to vanquish evildoers everywhere. Squirrels can be such assholes.

It's obvious I need to stop here. Now, I know some of this entry doesn't make sense but I did the best I could. With all this frustration over the lack of common sense, I worry that I'll find myself angry everyday. Hopefully, someone out there reading this has realized that that 'odd' sensation in their ass is the lost ovenmit used in a marathon sex session with 4 dwarves and a couple gimps gone wild. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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