Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Astronomers say the universe is finite, which is a comforting thought to those who can't remember where they left things."


A big thank you to those that commented on the pictures I put up. It takes a little something within to let the world see you even if it's not a problem letting everyone know what's in this head of mine. Not that I'm worried about looks. It's just that I tend to keep a little quiet without all that "Look at me! Look at me!" Those types are on Myspace.

The great thing is that I'm far from done. I've still got almost 50 more pictures due thanks to more from that convention, kittens, and I really need to put up one of 5-Pound Phooey. I mean, this diary has pretty much become about a boy and his dog. So why neglect the dog's time to shine? Because all that I have of that 5 pounds of terror is not on disc.

So, if you didn't look, just follow the directions from the previous entry. Finally, I keep a promise, eh? And, yes, Sammy, that convention is full of freaks, my kind of freaks. Sports fans have their days but nerds get major props for the creativity when it comes to characters.

And so I bring with me something that I witnessed today. Since when do people well past high school age make fun of the disabled? In my gym, there is guy that comes to work out but I never paid much attention to him til today. It was during one of his spaz attacks that I noticed more. Unfortunately, 2 guys noticed even more.

I don't know what kind of confliction this guy has. All I do know is that his sister, a college girl, brings him to work out about 2 or 3 days a week. He seems to enjoy doing all this so I have to admit to wondering if it's just for fun or that working out helps him. 2 guys had a hell of a laugh during one of this guy's spaz attacks. Fine. To each his/her own BUT both of these guys are over the age of 25 and one I know for certain has kids.

I'll admit to not knowing what to do when confronted by a guy with occasional spaz attacks. Hell, I even laughed my ass off at There's Something About Mary where Matt Dillon's character has to play with the retarded people.

Now, if you've been paying attention to the news, you might know where all this is going. Rush Limbaugh made fun of Michael J. Fox. Not a joke. I couldn't believe that this prescription addict junkie called Mr. Fox's disability as fake. Part of this has to do with Rush's not supporting stem cell research and saying that Mr. Fox stops taking medication when in talks to have more added effect.

I first heard about Rush's stupidity this morning. I've never seen my mom so angry and wanting to hit someone like this...........since....just about anytime Paris Hilton comes on TV. I mean, Rush has no fucking right to question a person with a disability like that. None and especially when it comes under something he disagrees with, stem cell research. I'm all for freedom of speech but.............whoo.

Why do people even listen to Rush Limbaugh? Bill O' Reilly? Dr. Phil? It's like all these complete morons think they have a right to tell us their extremely demented thoughts. There may be thousands that hate Howard Stern and Bill Maher but Howard's practically genius compared to this prescription addict making fun of Parkinson's Disease while Bill gets canned for being so cynical and maybe wondering if we were wrong. My worry is that people being fed this shit begin to think this shit.

Yeah, I know. You're probably going to tell me that it's all freedom of speech. But, shouldn't the speech be truth? Dr. Phil is full of shit. Do you really want to take advice on how to control your weight from a fat guy? Bill O' Reily cuts off your mic if he disagrees with what someone is saying. Just watch his show. Ugh.

Fact: Tinky Winky is not gay. He's just confused and exploring his options that a moronic minister cannot provide.

I'm not completely innocent since I'm one of those that has many issues with the elderly. Gawd, today was where everything happens, the guy, Rush, and the senior citizen's meeting in our downtown making parking more difficult. When I'm trying to pull into a parking lot only to be forced to wait as someone turns at the speed of 1 mile per hour, I get a little pissy.

Other than that, it's just a cold icky day due to rain. My bones feel so creeky and not wanting to move in a speedy motion. Even my dog was slow on the final walk.

What I did notice in putting up pictures is that it's pretty fucking obvious that I am in love with Sara. Scary. Only 2 girls have ever heard me say that to them, Kristan being the other. How can 2 quite different people enjoy being together with what little time they have? Ask Sara because there must be something in this boy that warrants sharing her bed with me.

Yeah, 2 comments had me laughing. Sara and I look cute together? That's actually the first I've heard on that. I've always thought how strange we looked to others while walking down the street, my looking thuggy and her in a much nicer appearance. Sara shows a lot of asscrack when she bends down (a guy stopped to stare while she bent down to look at the newspaper's headlines) while I pretty much let the world know I'm wearing Calvin Klein undies.

So, I'm going to stop here and play a little Double Dragon 2 on the Nintendo while the rain continues to fall. Either that or I'll watch some naughty Cinemax where men cleverly keep their hands in front of the woman's crotch in order not to show penetration. You know the rules. Cable is not allowed pussies in full view, erections, ejaculation, penetration, and fellatio. Gawd, I've just gone and made myself horny. Must talk sex tomorrow. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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