Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Can't keep my eyes off the circling sky,
tongue-tied and twisted, just a earth-bound misfit, I."

-"Learning To Fly" by Pink Floyd

My day started off with an old man threatening me over dog poop, my dog's. Nope, 5-Pound Phooey did not do the deed in his yard but I still stood there listening until I had enough. A little angry, I asked him which house was his down the area. He said it didn't matter. Sharp eye has I that I recognized him from earlier walks and even remember the sign clearly spelling out his last name.

"Aren't you.....(insert last name here)?"

The man walked off a little bit in a huff. Fine by me. 5-Pound Phooey wasn't even comfortable around this old guy because she didn't do her usual desperation mode at trying to know the person with wiggling tail. What an asshole and I'm sure I'll be dealing with him again soon.

For some reason, that old guy kind of got to me. I'm not one to back down and I'm certainly not going to let someone harm my dog. The fact that she reacted by not wanting to meet this person pretty much says it all. Animals can tell if a person is friendly by a certain smell/feel. It's no wonder dogs come up to me so much, though.

So, my recently divorced friend bragged about how he has a large collection of movies due to being such an addict in all types of genres. I put Richard to the test by asking him if he'd ever seen Donnie Darko. Nope, and not has he not seen it but never even heard of it. Since Richard isn't exactly keen on remember movies with unique titles, I wrote down 2 movies that will get his attention: Donnie Darko and Hard Candy.

How can a person go through life without seeing Donnie Darko? Even if you disagreed with it, that damn movie haunts you forever. I know because I've written something like 15 to 30 entries with something related to it. You've got the unforgettable music and the debate as to what Donnie Darko was about. Was the kid a superhero? Is it drama? Sci-fi? Horror? Jake and his sister with a great line:

"Suck a fuck."

So, since it's close to Halloween, I'll give 5 movies that scare me to this day:

1). The Entity. Scary. Shit. Man. I only saw this 2 or 3 months ago since I read a few things about it. Poltergeist or entity haunts a woman in her home by terrorizing her life and raping. It's just damn scary when certain things suddenly start moving or you see the actresses breasts being felt by an unseen force. It's an old movie from the early 80's but still holds up better than most horror movies when it comes to scariness.

2). The Howling. Best werewolf transformation scene ever to this day that I cannot watch ever again. That pack of werewolves was scary and the camera work in this early 80's flick is effective. I remember when I had my ex, M, see it and how scared she was while sitting on the couch. The whole thing is about a reporter taking time away from being stalked only to end up at a retreat owned by werewolves.

3). Pee Wee's Big Adventure. 2 words: Large Marge.

4). Dog Soldiers. What would you do if you had a pack of 8-foot werewolves hunting you down on what you thought was a routine training mission in the Hills of Scotland? You'd rather be watching footie on the telly, right, mate? It's just that a routine mission gone wrong only to have soldiers making a stand in an abandoned farmhouse. Or is it? Count the number of werewolves. Send your fastest runner, Spoon, to keep them distracted. Be careful for wolves are a lot smarter than you think, mate.

5). Exorcist. The spider-walk just made my eyes open up wider. Nice movie with incredible dialogue on masturbating with a crucifix or telling a priest that his mother sucks dicks in hell. Satan says the sweetest things but it's that damn walk found on the DVD's deleted scenes that freaked me the fuck out.

It's funny how different things scare people. For me, it's werewolves made tall, hairy, and with long snouts. Ghost stories where things move while eerie music plays. A man gets a ride with a very ugly woman driving a mack truck and then dancing in a bar to the song, "Tequila" on the bar's walkway.

And so I leaveth you here. What a week in some ways. I put up 63 pictures for y'all in order to keep my promises only to have over 30 more next week. I have no idea if I will see Sara until she lets me know she's ready for me. Can you read through the lines how miserable I've been? Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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