Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Halloween just isn't Halloween for me without a girlfriend to cackle over my lack of computer skills."


Ah, yes, that is where I am at. Sara's. While I didn't update on Sunday, that was only because my computer has some nasty little viruses that wrecked havoc. Plus, they have you whining all over the house.

"But I have no idea what is going on when it comes to Diaryland."

Not that anything earth shattering has been happening. It did start out a little different in that I came here just fine but found myself quite sad. Once a girl, clad in only her knickers, pounced on me did I find myself okay again. See? Sexy surprises do work! Not only am I a recipient but also her dominant.

I've had a pretty good time here, even if I am sneezing while my right eye is completely wonky due to being allergic to Sara's room. We went out to a new pub on the first night. Nothing like football on a plasma TV to distract a boy while only to find that girlfriend knows all the referee signals.

Ref: "Holding Hedgehoggy's groin, offensive foul. Penalty declined. First down and remove panties!"

It was here in this pub that Sara and I found ourselves pretty much alone in this area. The various business people had gone and Monday Night Football was in front of us. Plasma TVs seem to make me romantic because Sara, then, decides to pull her chair up to my side to watch as well.

But, of course, last night was Halloween. While I am not exactly up for such an event due to many Halloweens being taken away from me by tests or papers due the next day, Sara pretty much always makes it her mission to be something. Take it from me. If a girl's willing to wear blue body paint to a convention along with an itchy wig, there's gonna be trouble.

Sara went as Violet Blue (She really looked exactly like her to the point that I felt like I was sleeping with someone else), a blogger/sex researcher. She may or may not be your cup of tea but you cannot deny how interesting she is. At first, I was kind of put off over what I saw on her website, various lesbians throwing a party where everyone is invited to put vegetables in their pussies. Why would I have a problem with that? I mean, I've preached about sex being a complete fun activity to explore. It's just that here, in full glory, was exactly just that.

But now, I find myself reading various Violet Blue entries and the various pictures she puts up. She's fun with amusing wit while also bitching about things I find myself at odds with as well. If you're gonna use bloggers for information, you better give some credit, motherfucker.

Oh, and, yes, there was plenty of Sara spending some major time enjoying the use of this boy's tongue. It's been a while since I was that ruthless over having to eat a girl out, especially one that wanted a nap. No nap. Hedgie eat now.

We tried to go see the movie, Mary Antoinette with Kirsten Dunst but ended up at The Prestige, a movie I call a pissing contest between The Bale and Hugh Jackman. It was just okay to me but, then again, I was told the super secret ending days before. Logical people will not get it before all this is presented to them. Again, the movie is just okay.

I still like The Bale, Christian Bale, but The Prestige does feel kind of funny if you've seen Batman Begins. You had The Bale and Michael Cain in there as well as this so Alfred and Bruce are keeping things alive with magic.

Speaking of such a thing, I still have not found the peehole after Sara let me examine her. I have, therefore, come up with the conclusion that girls pee by using magic.

One of the biggest thrills was seeing my email's inbox telling me I have an email from Sammy. Lots of pictures to go through. Now I can't wait to add plenty more to mine when I come home. It'll be either tomorrow or the next day that I'll show ya some more.

So, I hope y'all had a good Halloween where various animals attacked giant blown up Frankensteins placed on the front lawns. It's here that I miss my little 5-Pound Phooey's need to investigate wind blown objects or being theatened by old men. I'll just have to tell him that it's a female thing, magic is in the air when Buffy squats on his lawn. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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