Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"That's like someone throwing shit on you and then selling you relief from the flies."

-Bill Maher on Bush's reasoning for going into Iraq

4 days. Only 4 days til we are relieved of these non-stop campaign ads, many full of complete bullshit that's based on dissing the opposing candidate. Even if these ads are better attention grabbers than those animated evil gremlins that get under our toenails and fingernails, I'm missin' them.

To me, it's a total waste of money to put campaign ads on TV. Millions of dollars that could be better used elsewhere is the way I see them. Give the information that I need. Do you support gay marriage? How do you feel about property taxes? Should income taxes be raised or lowered? Who's the next gay Republican to come out of the closet and what lovely ensemble will he/she be wearing?

Please vote. Vote wisely. Don't go by what you see on TV but the information provided for you by the newspaper's collection of questions like mine. If this is not available, put down the remote and look up things. Gawd, I hate how lazy people have become when it comes to knowing a candidate. I may be Libertarian and see Republicans as the enemy but even I know to inform myself on the local congressman's record.

Don't worry for I will not preach. I'm just saying that there is more to life than the usual topics of sex, whining, and how that video on Youtube of a guy lighting a bottle rocket out his ass is the shizzle. Wish I could see more diary entries that gave me the occasional political discussions. Guess I'll have to do.

So, life? As much as it feigns me to say this, I am proud of my lil' 5-Pound Phooey. Not only does she look so good after a day at the spa (we try not to say "barbershop" to our spoiled dogs), but the little terror took a dump in that nasty old guy's lawn tonight. Whoo! Out of all the houses 5-Pound Phooey could hit, it was the right one. Here I was on my knees (once away from the geezer's house, of course), telling her how proud I was.

Even if there has been a new ManLaw made my Miller Lite that no man shall ever own a dog smaller than a football.......

*Sammy, the new 'Rolling Stone' has an article on Linkin Park's change in their music. Just thought you'd like to know.*

Plus, I got a lot of my errands done today, even if it took me til 6pm. A lot of places are so slow at putting out the new issues of various things. Man with little dog needs trashy mags to catch up on Hollywood gossip and naked chicks.

The pictures should be up soon within the next 2 or 3 days. Computer slowness over new security being added is the culprit. After finally getting my digital CD of them to put up, I must say that it was nice to relive the good times in South Carolina and that big event in Indiana. I may have thrown up due to the sunburn on my shoulders but it was worth it to show you what you missed.

My count:

1). More of that Dragon Con convention.

2). Kittens! The little culprits that would not allow me to sleep at night thanks to attacking my toes. Sara says I move my feet a lot at night. That may be true but she shakes to the point that it awakens me.

3). My dog, 5-Pound Phooey will be revealed at last! It's not the best picture but gives you an idea as to what I walk with in the daytime and night. 5-Pound Phooey will assert herself to any animal no matter how much bigger it is. Plus, she can take a dump in the right yard.

4). A puppy, my neighbor's own little terror that likes to take the floormat outside and shred it. Ya know, for fun?

5). The porn place we visited in Tennessee, just the outside portion. You know how it is. There'll be pictures of pussies, dickies, and asses but you cannot make any digital memories for yourself unless you pay. I'll never forget the bottle of Astroglide in the restroom.

And so I leaveth you here. I hope to get things up on Photobucket and to stop my worries that the Republicans will continue to scandalize congress. Just wish the Democrats would get some balls and attack all this criticism being leveled at them. Vote. Hell, Australia fines those that don't. Don't worry for I will talk about your usual favorite topic, sex, later on. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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