Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Times, they're a changin'."

-Bob Dylan

Okay, let me see if I've got this right. The Democrats have taken control of the Senate and the House tonight, Rumsfeld resigned, Marcia Cross has nudie pictures of herself in court, and K-Fed has been told to hit the road by Britney Spears. Can we add one more thing to all this? I've got a couple applications to fill out. Yo, things really have changed.

Love the joke over the 'Net. K-Fed is now K-FedExed. The video of him receiving the message that Britney was divorcing him was absolutely cold and mean but worth seeing. No longer can K-Fed brag about having 10 G's in his pocket while 5 are in his hand. I'm so glad his album bombed.

I mean, things are just a little too much right now. I've got the chaos of redoing my resume for the upteenth time all because the computer keeps losing it. My dad and I put it up again and again each year only to find it gone missing. Never mind the usual garbage. My computer doesn't want me employed.

But tis true. I've got 1 page of an application to fill out while there are just a few lines to correct on my resume. Should be easy but I just hate how psychologically low I feel. If you've ever been turned down for a job over the smallest of things, I know how you feel. I could do any fucking job out there but this little factor called my hearing keeps me grounded.

So, the boredom of typing away calls to me. Plus, it's never fun filling out applications. Some ask for way too much info while others want you to reference completely useless things. I can understand the need to find out if you are employable. It's when you find yourself worn out just from filling out 5-10 pages for a small job that I start to wonder.............

As for my old job, I still have yet to hear from those morons. What I keep fantasizing about (besides Keira and filthy sex where my ass ends up all red.....) is that I get a new job and am able to tell them off. No Clown and no Crotch Rot make me very happy. Doug said I am a very good asset when it comes to work so why I have not heard is very odd indeed.

To be honest, I am quite nervous. I don't like sudden change. Slow is okay but too much all of a sudden makes me too fearful of all kinds of events that screw with my head. How many of you absolutely hate having to meet a new boss? My personality may be goofy and fun but I just cannot take slavedrivers.

As for my comments on politics. It's nice that there is a major change taking place. For too long, the Republicans have allowed Bush to pass laws that pretty much benefited only the rich and corporations. The direction in Iraq has been sorely lacking. 6 years and still having a hard time with the basic water and electricity? Bush allowed greedy contractors and no-bid contracts to Halliburton and 1 other company. That's pretty treasonous.

My only worry is that the Democrats take this power trip a little too far by using revenge tactics towards the Republicans. Very unusual to see a woman as head of the House but much prettier than whatever the hell that thing was that lead last. Hastert? Someone needs to update that poor man on the fact that men should not be chasing little pages only they did. Foley was such a bad man stuck in the closet.

So, my day? Just feeling like shit here and there. I've taken a few barbs that made me wonder if I'm taking things too seriously, read a little bit of 'Thin,' and had to see Richard show me his massive stomach that used to contain beer. At least the sanity of Lauren releasing her sexual frustration on the man-bag made me realize that it was a typical day. Hate myself and realize I once had a nasty eating disorder. Life goes on.

Hopefully, this boy will be employed and done with Diaryland soon. You know we are going to discuss nudie pictures when I get the chance, ya dig? Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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