Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Lemonade, dog food, and peppermint ice cream."

-Our important items on the grocery list. Guess which are mine.

As much as I hate to admit this, I feel sorry for Britney Spears. We all knew she married a complete dud of a man (just putting it mildly and without expletives-a first!) and could bitch to her about how stupid this whole thing was. Maybe, just maybe Britney was in love. Who knows. It's not really my thing to judge on just how much of a moron she is (Yes, Britney is tragically stupid.....).

What I feel sorry for is the fact that her ex-husband is now using a sex tape as a bargaining tool to get past the iron-clad prenup thingee. I've read that a potential asking price is in the range of $50 million. Think Paris Hilton's sex tape sold well? Think about how much one with Britney Spears and Kevin will sell! That tape is said to be 4 hours long with breaks of chess games. Am I the only one that finds it hard to put an image of Britney playing chess?

Britney: "Uh........what's this little horsie thingee do again?"

Who knew that sex can be mixed with chess. I've never thought of bringing the old board in while taking short breaks. Protein shakes maybe. Moving the "horsie thingee" around a board? No. Then again, if George Costanza can bring food into bed, anything's possible.

Note: Watch Seinfield.

But the thing that gets to me is that Britney is said to be worried about her wholesome image being ruined from this sex tape being made public. Didn't she ruin that a long time ago by chewing gum during an interview about not liking all the public attention. Gee, like stop following the poor girl around while she gives an interview to the media for the 4,500 fans she still has left.

I hear Cheetos got a lot of positive media response, though, so someone came out a winner.

My next opionative response is this. Why is a girl having sex so bad? Are you saying that when she has sex that it's just not right? Naughty thoughts are wrong for females while males are seen as okay because they really are nothing but a bunch of horny baboons? Well, I know a few girls that would gladly state how they love to suck dick and are proud of it even while taking care of their kids or living a life of reality.

Oh, you wanna know about work? Nothing special as I realize how empty I feel. No Doug. The team is basically made up of a bunch of morons where 1 smells really bad (Guess who) and everyone else looks like they belong in rehab where spelling is the first thing needed for learning. My former boss told me that the reason for their long application process was to find people with "quality." Lovely finds.

But, yeah, no Doug and my old team where we'd have a great time late at night. No one had much of a personality that stands out. So, I pretty much avoid most conversation and find myself wanting to be alone and away from everyone in the store. Does wonders since Crotch Rot is now doing the night thing. Wonder how long I'll last with her and no Doug to protect me from her wrath.

My own misery finds me more and more realizing that I need to get out of this go-nowhere job and find myself with something that challenges me. Stay tuned on this.

Plus, I'm wanting to quit here on Diaryland. It's not the same community it once was because I no longer feel like I talk and everyone joins in. 48 people put me as a fave but there not much of a peep from them. I don't like talking to myself and wish to know others' opinions.

Diaryland is therapeutic, though. It is nice that other people share their joys and problems with life. It's just that I feel like I am no longer worth listening to nor willing to put anymore time into this shit. We've all got lives to lead but no time to listen and share. That's it. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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