Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"You're talkin' shit because your breath smells like ass."


Anyhoo, I am kind of back. If it's not the nasty biting cold from the November rain, it's the frustration with work's complete boredom. Remember how last year we had all sorts of weirdos and freaks? Oh, how I miss the gay Mexican S & M freak, Ugly and her lack of social skills, the creepy music guy, and Doug. It's complete quiet each night at work since no one has a personality come out. That is, if you can look past the smell coming from Stinky. I know which aisle he was in last.

The funny thing is that Doug is going through a hard time at his new store. It seems that he, too, has found it to be a lack of wanting to know anyone. People without personalities make work really, really dull. It feels like a minute takes an hour.

Mike Tyson should have an interesting career. According to the news, he is seriously considering becoming a male prostitute for a legal bordello. All ladies that enjoy extremely rough sex should consider a rummage in the sack with him.

All in all, I've just been really down. The rain came and came hard. Today is the first time I haven't woken up to seeing large amounts of water pouring down my windows. I'm not the type to sink myself back underneath the covers but that's exactly what I did.

As for more info on work, we sell the new Nintendo Wii System at midnight tomorrow. Wonder what the line is going to be like. People were shot with bb guns while waiting in Wisconsin. Some people were robbed and then shot with a gun while waiting.

Makes me wonder what people that stand in line for days/hours for a video game system do. I mean, if your sole form of entertainment is holding a *cough cough* joystick and slaying deformed men, you obviously don't have a girlfriend or life. Don't these people see this?

Would I like to own a Playstation 3? Sure, but I'm not going to wait in line nor am I willing to fork over $600 (the only worthwhile one since the other has only 20gb). My sole reason for waking up is not to turn on the TV and play for hours and hours. Yeah, I do remember some good times where I played Nintendo's Castlevania for 3 hours straight thanks to the Count being so damn tough to defeat. That was so long ago while a 25-year-old playing for that long is just sad.

Though I do wish things were as simple as a can of soup and a long night of video games was as hard as life gets.

HBO has some great documentaries! I've only just now been able to catch up to all I've missed. The first being it's Real Sex series had my eyes open to a whole new form of how people enjoy this miraculous event. Who knew I'd enjoy a good beating and that HBO would show female genitalia more closely and lovingly while various women of all ages learned how to give an amazing handjob from class.

Ladies, you have no idea how good it feels when a handjob is done right. Sara will tell you that I make weird whimpering sounds as I'm slowly milked of every drop of semen. I'm so messy and I love it.

Thin. I saw this documentary just recently where for almost 2 hours 4 girls are shown as to how they live with eating disorders. It all takes place at a place called Renfrew, a non-lockdown facility.

I can't remember all the girls' names at the moment (one of my dogs has decided to sleep in my lap as I type-Ellie-Mae) but Shelly, Brittany, and Polly stand out. Shelly's the one with a twin that can do it all. Brittany is only 15 and will completely starve herself because she doesn't want to go back to being the chunky girl. Polly is the rebel with more problems than you can count. You can't help but feel awful for how these girls think of themselves as being fat.

Body dysmorphia. I have it on occasion where I'll look in the mirror and only see my bad parts, any small amounts of fat. It's my knowledge that I have a bodyfat percentage of 10% but I will still see myself as fat. Weird. While I got over the hardly eating thing since I got so tired of being tired, it's looking at myself that's hard.

Oh, I can eat! 8 years without a cheeseburger was quite an accomplishment for me only to stop eating them due to how nasty my stomach feels. All those toxins and shit fed to cows will do that to you. But enough about me.......

My favorites were Shelly, Brittany, and the one whom I've forgotten her name. It's the girl with the kid that watched her throw-up. That's pretty much all of them while Polly grossed me out. Just watch the show if you can get it. The DVD will be out on November 21st. I'd hate it if they add profiles of each girl because then I'd want to own it to find out how they've been doing.

There was another documentary that aired last night on HBO that I couldn't look away from but that's til later. It has something to do with Melbourne, Australia, Britain, Paris, and Canada. Plus, people here on D-Land just love it when I talk dirty.

Hiss, anything for you.........

But it looks like I just might be back. I don't know. In some ways, I feel bad that I didn't realize that 'Net dial-up slows the process when it comes to wanting to respond to a topic of mine. Yes, my notes page is enormous, bigger than I thought it was. Even my cable takes some time for it to load onto the screen. I just love it when people tell me how they feel about things, even if they just want to tell me I'm full of shit.

So, I'll be back with loads of wacko stuff tomorrow since my notebook containing the name of whom I'll discuss is upstairs. I want to get this right since an artist always wants his/her name spelled correctly. Plus, Empire Strikes Back is on and you know how I love a good line from Yoda. Hedgehoggy. Smart boy he is. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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