Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Oh, fuck me sideways!"

-Blade: Trinity

Tell me if you think this is odd. A boy fed up with work and all the chaos combined with negativity goes to the boss to complain. Not only did he speak his mind but soon found himself with a day off and an extra day of work.

I'm still stunned. That's exactly what happened last night and then with me going to the boss this morning. I may have gotten home around 2am due to it being a half day for me but not being able to sleep all night had me wondering. Will I ever sleep well? Was all that bitching just from being so worn out due to pleasing a place that doesn't make me feel respected?

All I've had was a small nap and am about to take a pill to knock me the fuck out. Why? I've got to get my Christmas shopping finished and out of my mind. I'm going to need a lot of energy when dealing with crowds.

Okay, here's another issue I have with my place of work. Our store is tops when it comes to sales for the area, according to the credit card representative. We're being given a pizza party on Saturday where loads and loads of cheap as shit pizza (Pizza Hut) will be consumed by those that worked so hard. Guess who has that night off?

Yeah, the only way I can even enjoy any sort of feeling appreciation is by going to work. Who wants to do something they absolutely hate all just to feel a small form of appreciation? Me, that's who only I'm going to try and enjoy my night off while fat greasy fingered people that can't pee straight will get even fatter. I keep thinking these words will come up thanks to the amount of food presented to them:

"Help! Someone put shit in my pants!"

I've lost a total of 8 pounds and am easily irritable. Don't fuck with me. Thank you for understanding.

Other than that, my mom went to my appointment with me. It felt weird but I liked the company due to all the debates of what the latest shit is happening in my hometown (ex: black people demanding a charter school for their kids that don't do homework only to be asked by the school board why they should even get one. Guess who threatened the school board.) or just hangin' with yo' homeboy here. My mum's cool like dat.

So, I've been awake for a long time, occasionally feeling my eyes shut for seconds, but awake. Yeah, I know it's only til Sunday but I have a real hard time with people that seem to grind me down til I'm too tired to protest. Gawd, the uneducated and obese with no brains make me read with such passion on breaks. Happy twats all around. 1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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