Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Our littlest sister had the quickest reflexes. She used her hands to flatten her ears to the side of her head. She backed towards the far corner of the garden snarling in the most menacing register that an 8-year-old wolf-girl can muster. Then she ran. It took them two hours to pin her down and tag her: 'HELLO, MY NAME IS MIRABELLA!'"

-'St. Lucy's Home For Girls Raised By Wolves' by Karen Russell

Well, I've finished that book and found it oddly good. Not great but good in that the stories are definitely events I couldn't have dreamed up. I may have an imagination that makes people feel like I've been traveling the world with 'magic brownies' that always seem to reappear in the pan but nothing like a school for werewolves that need to be civilized by nuns.

By the way, that was just the beginning in which the female werewolves were gathered up and had nametags placed on them. Sometimes, all a girl wants to do is wag her tail.

Look, I know I've been warped out of my mind and I take full responsibility. Only one more week to go even if last night had me worried. I couldn't sleep til after 5am and even found myself in the storage room spending a good 30 minutes putting comics in bags and boards. You can't get more nerdy than that.

I'm trying to 'chill out' at all those points during the day where I want to find a way to release all this aggression building up. Our moments at work are now filled with more insanity. We're supposed to get things done even faster to prepare for the next day.

Example: Today was a secret replenishment in the Nintendo Wii stock. A LOT of people were awaiting this, a game system where you move your body with the game itself. Kind of nice, yo. Imagine playing tennis on your TV and swinging the racket instead of just hitting buttons. That's what it's like.

My guess is you can best describe how I feel by the weather outside, all wet and gloomy. As much as I hate to say this, only 5 more days to go feels like a lot.

There's so many things I've had to put off thanks to the lack of sleep, scrapbook, comics, and even an occasional workout that has me feeling so relaxed.

I mean, there are moments where I'm all hyper due to the anticipation of being under the whip but picking up pictures to figure out who goes where has me all gooey inside. Yeah, I had some very good times this year, Sara, the convention, and even a few books I read. You really can't beat being taken away to a different world on slow days.

I've also realized that I pretty much have it all. Never mind Sara's telling me I am impossible to shop for when it comes to birthday presents. Why I find myself wasting time on pounding my fists or insisting on ruling my diary with an iron fist is pretty much.........pointless.

Occasionally, I also find myself wondering what to do with my Year In Review entry. What events and idiotic musings should I feel the need to bring up again? I mean, there was that wonderful moment where I accidently farted on the treadmill. Could it be that Sara and I brought up the dreaded 'L' word without cowaring in fear? Several of you mentioned how odd it at the length of time that took.

I don't know. My diary has always been a source where I let out a lot of things. I have a real hard time with lying. Sure, there are those sweet spots where I might mention how I adore the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's videos or that scene in March Of the Penguins where the little fuzzy chick moves closer to its mom all while completely changing things to the moment where Sara held my balls in the palm of her hand.

"They are huge!"

Nothing like a girl to help pep up a boy into realizing his nads are bigger than just about everyone else's. Don't question this for I have been in my gym's locker room several times only to walk away knowing Sara is right.

But life isn't about the size of my balls (much to Hiss's dismay). It's just being able to tell what's on my mind and then realizing I can be a dink, a dink that wishes the weather wasn't rainy so that he can walk his little dog, 5-Pound Phooey.

So, I'll do my best to 'chill out' and get my groove back. 2 new books to read around the uneducated dolts I work with. Makes things much easier because I'd rather avoid the grease dripping out of their fat fucking mouths. Somehow, I never talked about the smoking that goes on but that's for another time. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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