Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I'm not aware of too many things.
I know what I know,
you know what I mean."

-Edie Brickell And the New Bohemians

So, where have I been? Mostly hanging out in Blogspot since I've found 3 or 4 really nice blogs where people enjoy not only showing themselves but talking up major rants. Of course, these being mostly girls, I have to wade through the usual discussion periods and how so many seem to want more handbags for Christmas.

Nudity is something I'm quite used to at a certain point. One blogger whom I cannot get enough of her diary shows quite a lot of her body, bush, ass, and boobs being the most likely body part that sums things up on a slow day. Need hits? Whip 'em out! It's just that at a certain point when you've shown your boobs 3 or 4 times a week, I tend to find myself paying more attention to the background.

Seriously, I've found that the latest booby picture from this blogger had me looking into the background, her bathroom. It was nicely clean while I scanned as to what products are around. I'm more into knowing what excites a person so your tits can be out only I'll get more excited knowing you have a George Michael CD in the background or an 80's Transformers toy. Just watch me imitate the sound of one of those things transforming.

Optimus Prime: "Autobots, transform!"

It's sad that the most dominant of interesting diaries/blogs is found elsewhere. Diaryland doesn't seem to do much for me anymore but I'm still on it solely because of a few people that hold that burning candle in this wind. Telling me about what you ate is nice but I really want to know what you think about life or start a controversial thought that many would find too wrong for the dinner table.

Announcer: "And now for a discussion on whether pubic hairs belong in the sink or bathtub.......heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Hedgie!"

Plus, I've never felt such an enormous need for sleep. My bodyclock is set to be awake from 10pm til 6am so anytime I'm off is not really a night off. The best example would be how I passed out last night only to wake up near 4am. That's not even 5 hours of sleep that I got! Yet, I couldn't drift off again with a sudden energy jolt that had me going up and down the stairs because I was so hungry during this time period.

Only 3 more days of this shit but it's 3 days in a row. That's the worst due to:

1). More loss of skin. Did you know your fingers get 'old looking' faster when this happens? If I touch water, they shrivel up so fast.

2). The insanity right til Christmas Eve is insane. People stay in our store well past closing time, just walking up and down aisles. People working til 10pm would like to go home but these idiots don't seem to care. It may not be my problem but I hate the lack of courtesy.

3). That itch til it ends drives me mad. I cannot wait til my last day! Almost 2 months from Sara that has me wondering if I still have a girlfriend, very little sleep, getting away from the grotesque roast beef eaters that don't realize it's hanging from their noses, pee on the floor (both sexes), and barely being able to walk in the storage room due to too much stuff off the truck.

I'll miss standing there watching small birds tear apart a dirty diaper. My hatred for my job has me looking at the smallest joys as the biggest. Those first 2 hours of work go by fast but the middle 4 are the worst. I try not to be aware of too many things........

You know what? I've never gone into a tampon discussion but, then again, I've been so desensitized that I don't even care to discuss the lack of customers' courtesy there. So far, zero in the parking lot when it comes to the stringed variety.

My life isn't completely awful, although one of my co-workers said it best. "You have no life when you're here during the Holidays." My waking up early had me doing something I normally don't do, turning on the TV to VH1 Classic. Felt so good to see a complete hour devoted to 80's music videos. Culture Club's "Cruel To Be Kind" started it out. I'm possibly the only closeted Twisted Sister fan.

Phil Collins's "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" had me cranking up the TV's volume because that song has so much history with me. It reminds me of the love/anger I felt when I parted ways with Kristan. I had never really heard this song til I saw it in her CD collection. Of course, I was curious and voila! Kristan I were no longer together so those lyrics hit me hard.

"Just the memory of your face...."

"There's just an empty space."

"You're coming back to me is against all odds and that's what I've got to face."

"I wish I could make you turn around, turn around and see me cry."

I don't think I could ever describe how much power a woman that takes your virginity can have over a guy just starting out. Sex drove me a little crazy because of the newness. Then again, it could be because Kristan was so experienced. How could a 29-year-old woman tell a 19-year-old that he is amazing in bed? The fact that I needed it 12 times a day? Who knows. It's against all odds.

And almost 2 months without Sara? I've been going crazy, what with my own battles over positivity and negativity. We don't have time to talk as we once did thanks to both of our jobs. Needless to say, I don't sleep well alone.

Of course, Christmas is so close. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra plays triumphantly in my room on 5 speakers when I need a little pep. Nothing speaks for me better than strong guitar led by a little girl playing conductor. It's only on Christmas Day that I hope for snow, like the video's showing of a large yard complete with this orchestra.

So, I hope y'all have finished your Christmas shopping (I have! I spoil!) and dress warmly while sipping good spirits from large mugs. Tempting to walk into Sara's place of work to show her what a tired boy I've become. Happy twats all around. 1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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