Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's felt like ages since I've updated, eh? Been a long time since I've gone this long without complaining like Ashcroft on the fact that a statue has tits and we need a $20,000 shawl to cover the glories of boobies.

I just got home today. It was the easiest drive I've ever had from Indiana thanks to the time being around 7am for Illinois. Most mack trucks were sound asleep in the rest stops' parking lots with dreams of naughty nymphs from college driving by topless. Again, boobs make men more aware.

It was quite weird to walk in the door and find my mother sitting there in the kitchen. A large amount of my inner goodiness felt bad for not being here on Christmas. It was, after all, something I've never missed. You would, too, if your mother spoiled you from birth and soon became more of a best friend than parent.

Of course, I was in Indiana with more than sugar plums on my mind. Driving and doing my best to stay awake was what took place for 2 hours due to not knowing where Sara was. My whole visit was a bit of a surprise since even I didn't know if I was going to head on off to Indiana. This whole sleeplessness has turned me into something I rather dread as it is obviously still with me. Look at the time. It's nearly 2am here but I'm completely awake.

My whole arrival has had me majorly busy from the get-go. My usual present from parents was cash while a surprisingly large gift card came from my little brother. Completely out of wack was what I would call it. He never gives me anything so forces greater than I are at work.

I've got, pretty much, every materialistic need so that gift card was used today for my mum's Christmas present (Yes, I'm late) consisting of a large book on dogs 24/7 lives. While there is plently left, the only other thing I could find was for me. For fuck's sake, I needed those Pussycat Dolls because 'Buttons' needs to be played in this house!

'Loosen up my buttons, babe.
Why you keep frontin'?'

The Pussycat Dolls are complete guilty pleasures. Just how am I going to look when I get a CD player for my car and find myself gettin' all jiggy with Nicole (the woman oozes sex)? Better than my Debbie Gibson obsession, no?

Sara and I have a major change in our relationship. Her working 2 job and my sleep disorder (I can sleep for only a few hours but can pass out completely in the middle of the afternoon) have us too tired to do anything in bed. In other words, we've become a married couple, too tired to fuck. An orgasm is nearly impossible when you've found yourself nodding off in front of a girl's parents while watching The Beatles's 'A Hard Day's Night' and Tomb Raider.

Note: My favorite part was watching Love Actually while I played Apples To Apples with Sara and her parents. Every now and then, the movie's story would go to the porno stand-ins part. Just how do you act when naked people are mimiccing doggie-style while you are judging a girlfriend's parents' answer?

I'd love to get into it more but I've got to attempt some sleep. Sara and I are facing a new obstacle together thanks to very little time together. I don't know if this is completely natural or what but I try not to think about it. Of course, I'll be gone on New Year's so this whole week will be wonky til 2007. Year End Entry coming soon. The excitement is in the air, just like the fumes from Britney's crotch almost a month ago. Happy twats all around. 1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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