Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Angelina Jolie says she would be willing to sit down and talk with Jennifer Aniston. See, Middle East?"

-Jimmy Kimmel

So, the idiot president of ours feels that he has made mistakes on handling Iraq. Ya think? Feels a bit strange when his way of dealing with these 'mistakes' is to send over 20,000 troops to Baghdad.

I've got to ask a question. I know a lot of you are not politically minded. Well, except Sammy and Zu. I've already put a frying pan out to just let them provide the heat from words. But isn't the president supposed to be a man of the people? I've never heard of people insisting that sending more troops to Iraq as being the answer. We went in with no plan and someone that should be held accountable for saying "Mission Accomplished."

I'm hoping the Democrats will fight Bush on his Iraq issues. I mean, really fight him because just where is he getting the money for all this? Someone's going to have to pay. Man, I wish Bush had to have a bake sale to help pay for new uniforms and body armor or send his two drunken daughters to Iraq. Nothing like spoiled morons to learn how people really live.

Not all life is bad. Well, not if Action Jackson is on the case. Remember that 80's movie? Carl Weathers was just this sorta tough guy that could figure it all out with a mix of violence and humor:

Lieutenient: "You damn near tore that boy's arm off!"

Jackson: "He had a spare."

Of course, there was Vanity, a lost 80's icon. It's been a while since I've seen black nipples due to very rarely being attracted to black women nor seeing them in movies lately. An exception could be said for Get Rich Or Die Tryin' thanks to 50 Cent but.........Vanity. Wow. Too bad this Prince protege got ugly fast.

Since people here on D-Land insist I should be on bedrest, I did my best. Read a collection of short stories by an author I've forgotten's name. While most were nice little fantasy types where there's an earth witch or demon to deal with, one caught my eye.

How would you feel about torturing murderers or child molestors? What I mean is that the people would actually live but the rest of their lives would be horrible. It's all done through dreams, someone with the power to enter a person's dream and cause major pain. Said person would be forced to undergo the thoughts of what the victims went through like embalming while alive.

The little trick is that said person that enters dreams would most likely be someone also evil. How can it not be? A person that tortures or leaves barely alive is the kind that would be worse than a sadist. I'd love for murderers and rapists to experience their so-called 'arts' because not everyone deserves to live. It's within me that I cannot fathom how people do not believe in the death penalty.

Yes, I know my body is in pain due to this nasty cold but I ignore it as best I can. If I'm not in the gym, I'd feel a whole lot worse thanks to me not being in my loving environment. Of course, many see a gym as pure hell.

With Richard and Lauren to amuse me, I had a great time. One knows how to lip-sync Tom Petty songs while the other destroys any kind of hard target in front of her. I'll give you 1 guess as to which is which. 50-something-year-old guys with massive bellies find that moving side to side is a form of dancing.

"Lean wit it, rock wit it."

I'm feeling a bit better but the sight of Angelina Jolie's character tending to Mr. Smith's wounds on that lovely tribute to marriage called Mr. And Mrs. Smith had me wishing for impossible things as of now. Ah, to have a woman help make the night much better as she sees what sickness has brought. Or I could go along the lines of HBO's Rome. Stand completely naked and let a woman bathe me. Which is sexier?

According to Attia of Rome, a good gift is to send a slave with a massive penis delightfully tied up for better presentation. "All women enjoy a large cock." I laughed because I saw the tiniest one of all time in the locker room tonight. His wife is possibly one to avoid all baudy conversation because the lord just didn't bless their house.

Somehow, TV got a little bit brighter. We're about to be finished with Veronica Mars soon, VH1's I Love New York finds me throwing things at the TV, HBO's Rome enters its final season, and The Sopranos does so as well. Too bad American Idol is back on January 16th. We just don't need another Clay Aiken no matter how many 50-something mothers guarding their virginities might disagree.

So, I leaveth you here. I'm better but you'll still find me with a kleenex box and awaiting 'Tart's list of good porn for my forwarding to that woman in Indiana. Bondage? Water sports? Midgets on tri-cycles? We all have a need just as Bush continues to hide himself behind more lies. I've got more boogers than a bingo parlor. Where it's at! Happy twats all around.

1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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