Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"The English man, with his bible in the one hand, and his opium pipe in the other, has no redeemable qualities."

-Unknown (by me)

Since I am not in the best of moods, I bring you random thoughts night:

1). My town has a small infamous incident involving the death of a biker. A college student downloading ringtones on to her cell phone, forgot to look as she drove. Killed the guy and got off with a very light sentence thanks to no laws based on this issue. A lot of people are upset, and rightfully so, but the use of cell phones while driving rages on. This whole incident makes it look like it's okay to get rid of someone as long as you download ringtones while doing so.

2). A 4th Grade teacher continues to torment our school system by demanding a charter school for black boys 'in need.' Somehow, this 'in need' sounds more like getting the little fuckers to do their homework instead of behaving like heathons as I see each night. What about white boys, girls, or even black girls? All of this takes money away from the schools while they are already told that white teachers are the problems for these black boys. Not my words but the 4th Grade teacher's.

3). I will be leaving next weekend for Sara's. A possible office party where I must behave and dress accordingly is something that might happen. You know the drill. Boy must be presented in order for girls to look over and tell what they think while he mingles at the punch bowl. All I'm hoping for is a "nice ass" or "oh, he's got big feet!" There will be no more of the usual jokes such as "Sit on his face and he'll guess your weight" like we did in college.

4). This weekend brings about much ice as bad weather is upon us. Feels like a long time since I've seen snow. Getting 5 dogs to take their shits outside is gonna be a real hassle.

5). I miss Sara quite a bit. Sleeping alone really sucks as there's no one to kick me or smack me around while she's asleep.

6). It's being hinted that Jay-Z smacks around Beyonce. Jigga, what? That ugly fuck should be happy that a girl like that would be seen with him. The rumor came from a recent email stolen from Beyonce's assistant or something like that. I'm no fan of Beyonce but no woman should ever be hit by a man.

7). I had the greatest honor of seeing the most insane moment in television. Thanks to HBO's documentary where they went back to New York's infamous place to pick up prostitutes, I walked in my room just in time to see a guy ask to stick his finger up a girl's asshole and then smell it on camera. I nearly lost it laughing in thinking that each girl watching this scene with their boyfriend would look over at him and simply mouth the words, "No, you cannot do that."

8). Jessica Alba has gone anorexic. Why someone that looks so great 1 year ago feels she is fat is just..........arrgh! Look at those ribs and see how her bikini top looks like she's smuggling raisins. No more boobies and loads of men on forums are up in arms.

9). A Suicide Girl named VioletSin sent me a note for my December entry (22nd?) on eBanned! How cool is that? First a woman from a porn site said I am da shit and now a Suicide Girl shares her views on the sticky topic of eBanned. I told you girls that it's lucky to be able to sell your dirty underwear on a website.

10). With that, my favorite porn star is Helena Karel. Those eyes and that stomach so toned with a large tattoo! I've only recently heard of her but would love to learn more soon. Tits are fake but beggars can't be choosers.

11). I await Sammy to dish it to me. Small doses, please. I'm a little down in the dumps.

12). No, I did not get pictures of Lauren just yet. She must have gotten into a major cuddle-fest while I had a rotten time in the gym thanks to my right shoulder pulsating too much. No Richard, Slutwatcher, or just about anyone else to pep me back up.

13). HBO's Rome only gets better. Caeser continues to buy the public while Atia is up to something by accepting Antony after he bashed her pride while fucking her. A debate in the new Rolling Stone over whether there was drug use, the use of fellatio (blowjobs, asshole), and did the Romans really do much upkeep to their pubic hair. I'm for baudy info. Aren't you? Et tu, Brutus?

So, I leaveth you here. After a Suicide Girl sends me a nice little statement on eBanned, all I have left is a celebrity to say hi. Who would be a good one? I know for a fact that Kelly Osbourne would make me run far away up into the hills. Did you know she said she wants to pose for 'Playboy?' So many penises would deflate and no amount of felattio could bring them back to life. Happy twats all around.

2 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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