Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Violet: "Haven't you been paying attention? Killing is what I do. It's what I'm good at. I am a titan. A monolith. Nothing can stop me."


What would you do if someone flashed close to $8,000 in cash as if it was nothing? Would you become most interested in knowing how this easy money was obtained? Would you suddenly do your best Jackie Chan moves and hope you make it out with every cent so you could now get that Coach bag you've been wanting all week?

I'm reminded of things past thanks to Showtime's showing Belly, best described as black guys that get caught in dealing dope with flashy images all thanks to a director that only knows music videos. I wasn't always the way I am now, quiet and annoyed how I'd rather stay home than watch my friends get drunk in the streets. Ever seen a woman attempt to write her name on the wall while bent over?

Things are hazy even for me but, a long time ago, I had a friend that got heavily involved in the dealing biz. I have high morales when it comes to self but my whole thing is to let people be. Even if seeing that much cash appear in front of me drove me nuts. New shoes! New jeans. Somehow, I stuck to my AJ sneakers with a hole building up in the left one along with old clothes all throughout college.

What did I care? It was all just a time of watching things spiral out of control. My friend, MR, was making his way up. $17,000 worth of 'bricks' were shown to me. Know your lingo? Better get with it, fool, because this goes on everyday and night while you sit here and read my diary. Guns? Saw plenty of those, too.

To this day, I don't know what I was doing. It was all about observing a part of the world I wanted nothing to do with directly. Strictly an observer. Belly may have made things glamorous thanks to the director being so good with music videos. It's just that things aren't really like that since it depends on the type of person. My friend, flashy as fuck with leather jackets, was one of the few that acted the part.

I think this is where I laugh at Diaryland. I've come across thousands of diary entries on girls (the majority here) discussing blowjobs, friendships gone wrong, threats, hating how people find them dull when the entry just shows the 'people' are correct, or just hoping someone will listen and understand. Rarely do I ever come across someone that goes into the horrors of seeing drug deals.

Now, I don't know where my best friend (from that time but I hate him now ever since he was brainwashed from religion) started all his dealing but it came on fast. When I came back from college for the Holidays, he was at my door wanting me to ride with him. How could I not notice? This guy never buys new clothes or things unless it's all free. With a weekly take of over $1,000, everything feels free, I guess.

I've said it before here on D-Land. The movie, Less Than Zero, was exactly as it was here. In it, Clay comes back from college only to find his 2 best friends, Claire and Julius deep into drugs. MR was Claire and Newman was Julius. While Newman died thanks to descending into alcoholism, MR was the one that started a lot of me doing my best not to be into this lifestyle. Seeing piles of money can change your way of thinking very fast. MR once cried because he hated how so many people paid him in 1's. $5,000 in that denomination is annoying.

To this day, I still don't know what I was to MR. I know we were best friends and all that but he also tried to get me to join him. Morales and how there was this sickening feeling when having to walk into an apartment or house not knowing if you're coming back out. It's not glamorous at all. Plus, while getting baked can be fun once in a while, I was never into it. A part of MR's being good at pushing things was getting stoned with everyone.

I, on the other hand, would be checking my watch and wanting to go home soon.

There was no happy ending. Newman's gone, as I said. MR has lost his mind thanks to being placed into 2 brainwashing clinics where he has gone uber religious. That fun guy that could come over here and make me see a different side of the world was gone. Plus, MR's mother took out all the cash (about $8,000) and gave it to charity. Would you believe he came over here so stoned, insisting on a movie, and enjoying the fact that I picked Disney's Flubber? True dat.

Kids, new sneakers, leather jackets, fancy phones, ballin' cars, and pockets dripping with cash is not the way to go. Although I'm glad to have witnessed a side of life I want no part of, it was great that it came at a time my morales were so strong that I wore the same sneakers through college.

It's raining but I've had a great day on the 'Net. Normally, I'll be on for about an hour per day. It's the discovery of good blogs outside of D-Land that have me so fascinated with life outside the U.S. that I can't say no. You'd almost swear I was in Germany thanks to my latest discovery. Lots of pics and fun amusing inciteful outlooks.

That's not to say I've deserted any of you D-Landers. I've still got a huge crush on Sammy, laughing at how Zu has a mighty fine pussy tonight, Hiss has been lurking in the shadows, Summer makes me wish she'd put up a pic of her belly button (I'm actually curious about everyone's because we all have them, c'mon!), hoping 'Tart sends that list of good porn soon, loving that so many readers come from all over to take a gander at me, and whatever shit I can pull out of my hair-less ass each night. It's just that I feel stupid in how I never knew there was a life in blogging outside of D-Land.

Just ask and I'll tell you where to find that guy that enjoys showing his dick. I'm not sure what you girls would think about the idea of someone laying around on the couch holding his bizness. Then again, I've seen a lot of tits.

As I said, yes, Zu, that is a fine looking pussy you've put up there. Wish I could have been there to watch it lick itself.

But I'm boring to others. It's nice to be in a relationship that lets me be me, warts and all. Plus, I feel like a dad since much of time is taking care of 5-Pound Phooey while it rains outside. No more getting into the cars of strangers that are armed. My dog behaves like a spoiled child and I love it. Boring to me is the type of person that doesn't read and has no basis to bring up an argument.

However, I can still kick your ass and remain emotionless when walking into a room where guns are on the table even if it feels like a long time ago.

Do you know what 'fish fucking' is? HBO has been running a documentary on hookers. Last night, it was about those in New York's Point. Tonight was about Hawaii and something that had me spooked. While I was saying to myself, "Ya know, she's not bad," it wasn't til the narrator pointed out that 'she' was actually a 'he' that got me going. Hawaii is where 'fish fucking' is all about guys thinking they are fucking girls but really just rubbing their dicks on another guy's balls.

By the way, that was the first time I've ever heard of this. Plus, it's actually possible for a guy to look almost exactly like Jennifer Lopez. I was so fooled it's not even funny.

So, that's all yo' gonna get tonight, folks. I'm tired from running outside with 5-Pound Phooey because it it's been a while since she's been outside, look out! That little ball of hair just goes and I have to catch up only to stop so she can give other dogs lip. 5 pounds versus 50? Aint nothing but a Phooey thang. Happy twats all around.

2 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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