Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"There are 3 types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't."

-Spiderman Reign

I know that some of you hate how I won't be able to make my usual nightly entries soon. I've got to take that 1 hour and 19 minute trip out east to see Sara soon. Saturday is the day! Unfortunately, I am still in the dark as to what is planned. Girlfriend has been a little too busy and I've got cabin fever only kept on simmer thanks to tinkering.

Oh, but the locker rooms are now open. No more worries of changing in the small office (was a room for patients to discuss things with a physical therapist) where someone is bent over to drop trou only to hear that dreaded "ahhhh" while a guy rests his balls on the back of a guy's head. What you don't realize is that it gets pretty tiring lugging balls around all day. I should know.

But seriously, the locker room takeover is now us having to hope that we get one, at least one of the tall ones. If not, we have to resort to scrunching all our things into a tiny black locker. Things really need to change and, seeing as it's now cold, all lockers should be of the larger variety.

So, what do guys talk about in locker rooms? Bet you'd want to know. As far as I know, it's stocks, football scores, tits, tattoos, whether some girl winked at another guy, and a discussion on possible panty sightings. It's funny how I get drawn into football scores even if I only watch the games on occasion.

Oh, and as a Man Rule, all men do their best not to check out what the other guys are packing down there. The worst is when I'm tying my shoes and some idiot comes walking right up to me.

"Hi, I'm Rob and this is my pecker."

Lauren is still M.I.A. and I miss her. There's just something cool about a girl that can kick the shit out of a heavy bag and be so much fun to talk to about life. Doesn't matter. We talk boxing, fighting styles, workouts, sex, music, and how Lauren walks around the room without shoes or socks while training. What I think is happening is that Lauren is in love. If so, it's only a matter of time til she's back in the gym again. Hopefully, she'll tell me sex toy usage has gone up.

So, how are you? I spent today doing a good deed for a friend. If I know you have an obsession and I like you, you just might hear from me in the way of a surprise. Doesn't it feel good when someone gets something from you that makes them happy?

My comic shop's owner has an obsession with the Sci-Fi Channel's Battlestar Galactica. Nice show. Sara likes it, too, since it combines a lot of sci-fi with suspenseful drama. Well, that and Starbuck brings out Sara's inner gay demon.

It's not just Battlestar Galactica but the evil Cylon, Number 6, that my comic shop's owner likes. Guess what? 'Playboy' put out a few pictures of the woman that plays her, Tricia Helfer. I've known who she was since her supermodel days and even have a picture of her and I on my hidden picture site.

It was pretty nice to just hand an issue of 'Playboy' to the guy. He even looked at me and asked how much he owed me. Fuckouttahere! Just for being a great business owner and looking past my jockish appearance (He thought I was going to be a snob when I first met him so he pretty much avoided talking to me), I wanted him to see his wish of a nude Cylon. Battlestar Galactica, as sexual as it (there's a lot of it), just doesn't show nudity. A man's gotta take whatever measures are necessary to see the female form.

Isn't it nice how pictures of tits and ass bring people together?

Other than that, I've been looking over my little brother's Myspace page. Horrible. He needs some things to spice it up because this motorcycle obsession is all he's got going so far. All his friends are friends in real life so that's a nice start. It's just that the pictures put up are basically a bunch of ugly people that ride bikes and drink beer.

Editor: "That's life but you don't ride motorcycles only to cancel that out with a lot of weight-lifting."

I'll never understand my brother's love of motorcycles. They look nice and, yes, I enjoyed being on the back of one but most that do this are complete idiots. Forget a discussion on books or anything on the deep meaning in a movie. It's more like a belch and feeling a sense of accomplishment at drinking 2 6-packs.

I hate kids. When I saw the movie, SnowDay, I laughed at the thought of the snowplowman running over the children spending the day off in the snow. Never thought about having kids run around me to drive me nuts. My basic thought is that there are too many and most people should be sterilized since there are too many people in this world. So, why did I smile when I saw a friend take the time to get down on his knees and place mittens on his little girl?

So, I'm outta here and wondering how long til I get rid of all this snot that constantly comes out. It was last week that I was sick so why is it a neverending need to sneeze? Then again, why does there have to be anothe celebrity sex tape about to be marketed? Would R. Kelly be proud that water sports are involved? Happy twats all around.

1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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