Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Latin: "Quod Sum Eris."

-I am what you will be

I'm guessing that I am quite lucky to be very observant. My drive home was a bit odd because I came from a state that was slowly getting warmer and rid of old snow only to find myself in my own, one that just got a large amount. The white really makes a difference when you go from seeing large amounts of grass to a cocaine wonderland.

Could do without my fingers feeling so brittle when Sara and I are out late at night.......

So, I am here and doing an earlier than usual entry all because I have so much to catch up on with no idea where to start. There's the local papers I feel an urge to read because I enjoy knowing about my town and its many scandals involving the local school system. Magazines because I tend to feel occasions of spontaneous creativity. Clothes to put away, so many, that I tend to wonder if I should just have an overnight bag all set prior to each visit to Indiana. Of course, there's 5-Pound Phooey, currently sleeping in my room's round chair.

It was quite a learning time when it came to spending my recent days in Indiana. Who knew that I would enjoy spending over 9 hours with Sara's parents so much? They really like having me over there and come right out to see me on each visit to the point that it's like they fight over who gets to say anything to me.

Of course, I had the luck of having a project to do for Sara's parents, putting together their new surround sound system. There were hours where I had to go over various manuals and preparing wires for insertion. Even if I hate placing those things in the receiver, it gave me something to concentrate on while Sara was at work.

You try finding something to do while your other is away for 12 hours. There are only so many comics, mags, stores, and football games that time will find you shuffling your feet. Well, it could be worse. The cat loves me and insists on sleeping on my butt.

But I've noticed a bit of difference in me. I no longer get as rattled over visits to Indiana. There's just no nervousness because it really has become my second home. No matter how much Sara's mom persists, it's not going to be a permanent home. You may find it weird but Sara and I enjoy having much time to ourselves. Plus, I have major allergies towards cats so coming home means less sneezing and coughing.

This is something I noticed while in Indiana. I told Sara, right before I left, that I find it amusing how there are moments where I get a lot of attention from girls. When Sara's mom and I went out to the local Best Buy to get the last set of wires, the 2 girls ringing up the purchases gave me a lot of attention. Never mind me buying anything, it was just me standing there only to find the girls come right up to me.

Right after Best Buy, one of the girls making pizzas kept looking at me while Sara's mom and I sat waiting. These were very noticeable glances that I couldn't help seeing. You ever get that dreaded feeling someone is watching you?

A letter writer to 'Playboy Magazine' wrote about how women gave him a lot of attention after visits to strip joints. His theory was that the lap dances he received helped him absorb their scent. Of course, I may or may not be talking about that good ol' pink part but more along the lines of pheromones leaving a mark. All of this, in turn, makes women want a guy more.

Now, I don't get it. While the above is a nice theory, I wonder if it's all seasonal. It's only now that I've suddenly gotten a lot of attention because the past 3-4 months sure as hell didn't. Well, not since that one girl working at the art show just blurted out, "I live upstairs," even while Sara was present. Oh, you should have heard Sara tell me how that girl was hitting on me directly while I was too busy wondering how one behaves at an art show.

If you are wondering, my little brother looks nothing like me. No personality. No muscle structure but 1-inch taller that looks like a set of bones. Could be a dirtier boy since all of his porn hits on this computer have to do with squirting on women's faces.

I dunno. Hedgehoggy: adorable and sexy all while feeling like a complete dork inside. Feel the sensation! Flirt with him but know you cannot take him home no matter how much your mother enjoys him!

As for an update on my dad, he's home. I have yet to say a word to him since we just don't talk much. His body looks like he needs more rest. I'm just familiar with pneumonia but I have so many moments in Indiana where I feel like I can barely breathe thanks to cats.

So, I'll be back to my usual entry making self in no time. Especially since I came across a lovely little entry from someone that enjoys watching her boyfriend pee. What is up with women suddenly coming out of the closet on the enjoyment of watching men urinate? Like I said, I'm so disappointed that no one has asked to watch me.

There's so much to do but I love how people smile so much when they first see me. From Sara's parents to my friends that work in Hot Topic, it's always a magical debate about how a pale boy like me should not wear red. Happy twats all around.

1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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