Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Great shot, kid! That was one in a million!"

-Star Wars [Referring, of course, to Luke Skywalker's destruction of the Death Star by........oh, you're a geek, too. Do I really need to explain?]

Total geek night, dudes! Arrived home from the gym to sink my butt down and watch G4's fun show, Attack Of the Show and then Veronica Mars. The next thing I know, I'm laughing at how I totally got the 'friend of Dorothy' joke. Would you believe I sometimes find myself wishing I started on Gilmore Girls?

Actually, we should back up a little. The reason I was a little late getting home was thanks to my college chick friend that I run into from time to time. Total runner with skinny legs and gorgeous face that finds my animated way of talking a total blast, especially when it comes to celebrity gossip or this dude.

David Beckham. What is the U.S. going to do with him? You know of Europe's obsession so what will happen with him living here? Will we stop focusing on Britney and the no-reason-to-be-famous: Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie and get lost in that beautiful face that stops traffic anytime a billboard in which he's on is up? Would you believe they had a video placed in a museum of David Beckham sleeping and an enormous amount of women went to watch?

While I don't think soccer is going to take off as fans of the sport would hope, I wish it would. Played it. Loved it. It's no surprise that these guys have some mighty toned physiques. As much as I admire having a warrior's muscles, we do know that a runner is of high value.

Got laughed at for my love of Keira Knightley. Nothing gets me fuming more than to hear a girl tell me that she doesn't like Keira's pouting looks. Pish-tosh! Rachel Bilson came up and I got major kudos for knowing her/liking her. Ever seen the movie, The Last Kiss? Wow! Very hard to watch as a couple but still good stuff.

I don't know. I'm a geek with beautiful friends. Some kick ass on a heavybag while others find it fun that I know celebrity gossip so well. If only they knew how much I actually hate the whoring done in Hollywood......

A part of me is living life like a caged doofus. Every hour, I'll go outside to work some more on shoveling the snow off the backyard's deck and then go back to reading 'Dime Store Magic' by Kelley Armstrong. Give me 2 more days and that deck'll look fantastic. That's the power of Pine-Sol, baby!

Note: We are soon to be in major thunderstorms so all snow is going to be much worse. Ice. That's one of the many reasons I have to get rid of the snow on the deck.

What's a year without battling mice? It's always at this point that our utensils have to be taken out of drawers thanks to mouse turds near the spoons. My dog has made it known to us that there are 'meeces' (my plural form of 'mice' thanks to Tom & Jerry cartoons) by staring at the dishwaser or underneath the stove. It's insanity to find Jethro not wanting to look up but sit there for long periods of time. Personally, I think a mouse can kick his ass.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of 2 years with Sara. Haven't heard from said girlfriend in a week so I don't even know if we are actually celebrating or that she's too busy to remember. Sometimes, this 79 miles of distance has me wondering if I even have a girlfriend.

I mean, what's worse than comimg home to an empty bed at night? Okay, don't answer that since there are plenty examples. Hell, I can give you a lot since I have 5 dogs in this house. But it's hard. When I'm down, I have to deal with things myself. When I'm angry at the world, I calm myself down. When I don't even know what I'm doing, it's just me and a little 5-Pound Phooey. She sure is a sloppy kisser.

But 2 years? It's............just something that has weirded me out. Sara and I don't have much time for each other. As independant as I am, it would be nice to hear from her more instead of wondering.

Oh, the dream? I don't remember many of my dreams. It's only when I'm awoken in the middle of them that I can actually dwell on just how loopy I can be.

Okay, we all know I enjoy the feeling of being naked. That's no surprise at all. It's when I have a dream that consists of all Diarylanders that I know by sight that things make me wonder. Just how many facial expressions did I make while sleeping at the point that I was in a circle with you guys as we compared chest sizes?

I don't know how you feel about being naked in front of people but I'm pretty much fine in front of people I'm found having heavy debates with that can get X-rated. In college, my roommate hated how I'd just drop my drawers to change prior to heading to the school's gym.

As for the dream, I still shake my head over coming out into the backyard to find y'all naked. Sara, of course, was having the time of her life due to her becoming quite the little nudist during our 2 years together. Once you get a girl to shower with you, it's all crazy fun as she borrows my shirts to wear or uses my towel. Why not? 'Love stains' are cleaned up with her towel.

But lo and behold! Diarylanders having the times of their lives as well. Sammy was with her fiancee. Hiss flew in with her husband with an enormous amount of luggage because she wanted to demonstrate the fuck-machine and to bring that little French maid outfit that I was to wear. Zu was a naked punk rocker. Not surprisingly, I was in awe and wanting to hear more stories as the purple hair upstairs did not match the drapes downstairs. Summer and I talked belly buttons while comparing legs muscles. Too bad, I have 'chicken legs.'

I don't know about you but it's fun to let go of your inhibitions and just get naked. Who says this has anything to do with sex? I'm a boy curious about who's bare down there, what kind of ass you've got, your style of bush, and how goofy you can be when realizing that life is not to be taken seriously all the time. Sara's an artist, used to the human figure being show, so don't cover your man's eyes when she walks by with nothing on.

Isn't that a weird dream? It was all just fun to meet those that don't always focus on just the negativities in life. While you may think I'd stare at your lovely ass, I found myself talking comic books with someone that also embraces the inner geek within himself.

So, as you can see, I'm a cross between down and happy. Doesn't quite make sense does it? Sara's so busy that I'm awfully curious if she knows tomorrow is the 2-year anniversary. I do need to see her because that girl needs to be fucked right away. Bodily fluids must leave us as I'm slammed against a door after she shows me how wet her pussy is. This boy loves it when a girlfriend shows her panty puddles because somehow I've become used to having a girl turn me around and say, "Gawd, Mike, look at this pussy stain!" Happy twats all around.

1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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