Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Your sparkling eyes shed a healing light on those you meet."

-My fortune cookie quote that had Sara and I amused. If it's not my muscles, it's gonna be the blue eyes.....

I'm betting that some of you are cheering. Yes, I am back! Strangely, I have more energy than I usually do at this time. Of course, it could be that I went non-stop at catching up with things here in my town or local media. Wrong word. I absorb, not 'catch-up.'

This truly was a very eventful weekend. Rewind back to Saturday and you'll find me sliding down Sara's parents' driveway while she butt-scooted. That was one weird night where the town went through an ice-storm, one of possibly 40 for me.

What I was trying to say was that Sara's parents live in a circle drive area that is only accessed by a VERY steep hill. How steep? Your car could be going at 35mph at the beginning but you'll soon be chugging along at 20 upon making your way up. The ice was so bad that Sara's car couldn't go up. She didn't want me to try going down with mine. The compromise was that Sara and I had to walk to the street and hopefully not slide down at where her car was parked.

Trust me. You just had to be there to understand all this.

Why didn't Sara and I just stay at her parents'? Easy. There was no contact solution for me to put my soft contact lenses in. I didn't have my glasses as backup. It just wouldn't be as much fun sleeping all by my lonesome downstairs in front of the plasma TV while the impressive aromas of the 2 cats' litterbox has me wondering what's for breakfast.

It's fun having a girlfriend's parents be so receptive to this dude (Yes, me!) and his weirdly gifted outlook on life. Sara's mom gets more and more animated as I visit, even though she had bronchitis this weekend. The dad's pretty quiet but enjoyed my incite as to what it takes to be a dad:

Me: "All fathers are required to be all weather-proof."

The above statement came out when we went out together during the ice storm to fix Sara's windshield wiper while she was at work. I said it when I noticed how, as cold and icky as it was, Sara's dad did what he had to get Sara safely home. Where was I? Scraping the ice off of windshields and then trying to walk up the driveway after having to slide down to the bottom.

I don't know about you but weather has been extremely weird. 17 inches of snow for us, a major rainstorm, and now another major rainstorm with hail for tomorrow. While driving home today, I went through a storm I could barely see through as ambulances went to those that couldn't figure out how to drive straight on an interstate.

A good thing happened. I saw The Sting. Now, some of you might wonder why a hip and happening dude like me is sitting down watching an old movie with a very young Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Easy. I've always wanted to see something that Hollywood says is its best. Only, I got a different take. When I saw the name: Robert Shaw, my heart skipped a beat. The most manly of men whom was eaten by the grandest of sharks? Yup, all 6 feet of him.

Shark hunter: "25 and that's just from his dorsal fin alone, mate."

If you've never seen The Sting, put away all that silly fear of what old people enjoy. Nice flick even if I tend to enjoy mine with 4-letter words every few seconds.

Another nice one is the one I'm halfway through, Marie Antoinette. Oh, boy! Since I'm not finished, I can say that the first few seconds of this movie where that rock soundtrack blares out had me hooked for good. The director, Sofia Coppola (Sara and I have a long-standing feud as to how to pronounce her last name) always picks the best songs. I'm in love with 'Playground Love' from The Virgin Suicides.

I really did have a good weekend, a very expensive weekend. Bowling where my hand ended up hurting. Seeing a couple that have been friends with Sara for a long time only to wonder if I'm just looking at another version of Sara and I. The girls ordered the same thing while we boys did likewise. You would just have to see this and how I wonder if I'm not quite as original as I once thought I was.

Editor: "Hedge still gets excited over Smurfs, Inspector Gadget, GIJoe, and Spiderman like nobody can!"

Funny. A woman wrote about her experience with growing up Muslim as not a very peaceful religion. Guess what? A Muslim killed the director because he disagreed with that. I don't remember the woman's name but she wrote a book that is getting major good reviews. That's on my list after I finish another Kelley Armstrong book, 'Haunted.' Yes, I love supernatural books where the female werewolf, Elena, kicks major ass and the witch, Paige, has found some bravery.

Editor: "Somehow Hedge's description of himself, 'mildly retarded,' does wonders to keep that originality going.'

So, I'm going to stop here. Somehow, I've got this weird feeling that some of you (all......1 or 2 of you) are happy I am back. Or maybe it's just my Sammy hoping I can kick her out of a boredom streak. At least I don't smell like a litterbox so I'm somewhat socially acceptable for today's standards. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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