Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I had this great quote all lined up only to lose it. Fucking hell on the fact that I am a perfectionist makes me kind of lose momentum on an entry but I'll do my best..............

First of all, I mentioned a woman's writing about her times spent being a Muslim. I forgot her name but can now give it out after a short amount of research.

Editor: "The 'Net is not just about porn, folks. There's a lot of cool stuff out there if you look beyond 'bukkake' and 'watching girls poop after late night Taco Bell.' You might learn something but hopefully it will not have you a Soduku addict like my mother."

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the author of 'Infidel,' a biography on her horrors found being Muslim. It's not everyday that you'll find someone willing to deeply discuss this religion due to fear of retaliation. A director was knifed to death by a Muslim upset over the truth of this religion's need for violence. Ironic lil' bastards aren't they?

Anyway, I heard about Ayaan a while back due to her being on CBS's 60 Minutes. I'm pretty sure that this took place at Sara's since that's the only time I ever watch this show. Her parents have it on each night I'm there on a Sunday so how could I resist? I'm always an admirer of strong women. Don't be surprised if I have 'Infidel' in my hands sometime this week. Knowing our bookstores, it'll take some searching thanks to how ridiculous they shelve things.

Note: At least Border's allows you full use of their computers to find things. Barnes feels like it's being run by 80-year-old retards on an acid trip making them wonder which magazine will safely hide the 'Penthouse' while thoughts of Viagra warp 'em.

But truly, I am going to get my hands on 'Infidel' and would love to know if anyone has read it already or know what I'm talking about. Yes, I love talking about sex and all that but there is more to life than that and Britney Spears.

Ever find yourself in a dumb argument? 'Everyday' is what I'd say knowing what comes out of this mouth. Hot Scott and I were discussing this new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie since the store he works at has major licensed merchandise for it. Hot Scott wants the costumes back while I am in love with the dark CGI being used. Actors just cannot takeover the beautiful violence of Raphael. While the first movie for TMNT was cutesy fun, I grew up on the comics' dark brooding mayhem.

Yeah, 'Cowabunga!' can be funny when you're 10 but Turtle fans have grown up. I feel like I'm the only one that actually knows the real story behind this very original concept, take a kid's turtles that somehow end up in a bottle of experimental liquid, have them grow into what looks close to be an adult's size, and add a rat that knows martial arts from following his master's lessons. The only thing missing in the movies was how violent TMNT really was. Leo got bloodied up by the foot near Christmas thanks to Shredder's mysterious reappearance.

Busta Rhymes: "Whoo-ah! Got you all in check!"

The whole point is that I look forward to the CGI TMNT movie (even more so than the Transformers-Hollywood fucked up another great cartoon) because it keeps the dark feel and adds a new baddie, a sexy uknown female that I would like to know as little about as possible to keep the mystery. Did you know that Shredder was never really the main bad guy in the original TMNT?

You can always see how important a friend sees you when it comes to weather. Lauren (I had my camera but....) was walking out of the gym after her workout. Of course, I was a little upset due to her being done and my not being able to have my usual important discussions on women fighting. It's just that it being cold outside, Lauren still wanted to talk.

Dammit, I hate that! I hate how important a friend makes you feel at moments you wish could be changed more to your liking. I'd rather Lauren be kicking the shit out of the heavy bag while I admire well placed kicks and punches. She's a really cool girl to know but my warped mind has me wondering what would happen if she got into a fight at a bar. That person's gonna need more than broken beer bottles to take down Lauren.

And so I promised you an entry on female masturbation. See that, girls? It's m-a-s-t-U-r-b-a-t-i-o-n. The word 'master' is NOT in there. It's funny because I come across many entries on girls talking about their masturbation habits and, 90% of the time, the damn word is spelled wrong. Just remember that you don't need to master yourself when it comes to getting yourself off. That comes as easily as taking the shower massager's use into your own personal needs. Yes, I know why everyone with a twat needs at least 45 minutes in the shower and it's not to mentally worry about nipple sensitivity.

Editor: "Unless you are Hedgehoggy, known for playing with his nipples out of shear boredom."

Due to the chaos of things around me, I cannot get into the topic of female masturbation. Spelled it right......again! Damn, I hate how my mind is all over the place thanks to reading about Bush's constant failure with Iraq and a local teacher sexually abused more than the authorities thought.

It's just that I will leave you with this. Men love to watch women masturbate. LOVE it! I'm not exception because I get quite a show from Sara. The best way to describe it is that I get a charge out of seeing a girl in such pleasure, eyes rolling all over the place, grunting, and rolling around til all is quiet with a dildo sticking out of her 'danger zone.'

I just don't think women realize how much men love to watch a girlfriend/wife masturbate. It's best when she completely loses herself in the moment and forgets there is an audience in awe. Here is a sex designed for being pricked while rolling around all over a place's terrain. We men only stroke and then squirt while a woman lose herself to falling off the bed and still go at it. Plus, it's cute when there is that inevitable 'splooshing' sound that is realized when she really got herself off.

So, female masturbation. I'll be tackling that again and, hopefully, with some new incites on how lovely it is. I'm proud of a lot of you girls that are so open to discussing it here on blogs. The only thing I worry about is how assholes out there take it as women needing to tone down their sexuality. You don't think that the religious nuts want to stop The Pill because it promotes sexual insanity now do you?

So, I'm outta here and leaving with a good mood. Lauren said she'll see me soon to be pictured kicking the shit out of things. The girl has to be in the gym because she's preparing for her encounter with a girl over 8 hours of driving to meet someone almost says that there is gonna be sex, lots of it. A girl's gotta get in shape because 2 pussies rubbing against each other can be tiring and cause carpet burns. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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