Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Fire bad! Beer good!"

-Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Let's look back at today. Sweat? Lots. Smelly? A little. Fall down? All the way on my back. Ran? Oh, yeah, 2 times. Talk to Old Nick? Always on Sunday. Watch your favorite Sunday TV show, Rome? Wouldn't miss it for the world.

So, why do I feel bad? Why does a day where a lot was accomplished mean so little and depressive? Because I miss Sara and don't think she understands how not talking to me gets me depressive. You can take all the money in the world, spend, spend, spend but come home. What then? No matter how fancy your little gadgets or how easy sex is to buy, it's all about how much you invest in a relationship.

Like I said, sometimes, I feel like I'm less than a lightbulb.

Today reminded me so much of when I was little. You'd find me running around with a lot of friends, namely Mikey. Games of tag, looking at each others toy collections. Giggling about girls. We did it all and any day in which I'd find myself with a new cut or scab to look at in the bathtub means the day was well spent. Oh, how I miss my life where girls were nothing but icky alien-like cretins I'd not want much to do with.

Editor: "Dare I say, young man! Did I not hear you say that they are such sweet kissers when the house hose is aimed at you for a mock wedding? How about that first kiss? Remember how you wished all that were forced to be at this 'wedding' were gone so you could kiss that girl some more? Girls make great lovers/friends/and kissers. Spring brings romance so none of this gloominess."

Ah, yes, spring does bring thoughts of romance just as much as running around like a mad heathen when sweat glands have not made themselves known. I love girls, seeing as so many of them are my friends. Somehow, I grew out of that testosterone-like attitude and joined the good fight of finding out what kind of boys girls wish for.

It is not easy having a relationship with someone an hour away and finds it hard to write back when 2 jobs take her life away. A person needs creativity to expell. For me, it's releasing and relaxing myself in the gym. For Sara, it's painting.

Girls, what I am trying to tell you is this. In all honesty, guys do appreciate you saying anything to them when it's hard for you to make time in your life. Just tell them you miss them, even if it's a simple sentence. Not hearing for so long has me depressed or suspicious. Then, the whole day goes flat and he relys on the attention of female friends.

I find cheer. Somehow in good old U S of A, our studios find the time for some much needed creativity. They gave us Borat. I cry.

If you no like Borat, I come to your house and bring hurt. So much cry from me. I laugh. It funny so hard. Naked men chasing each other in a hotel while convention take place is funny. When fat man put balls on skinny man's face, I lose mind. So funny when Americans cheer over Borat statement applauding Bush's drinking the blood of every Iraqi. Must see Borat.

The movie, Borat, has a hidden purpose. It showed the racism, homophobia, and xenophobia we know is out there but kept hidden. Drunk frat boys wishing slavery was brought back all for the possibility to use the women for sex? A rodeo guy telling Borat that homosexuals should be hung? It's all there but my favorite is how little kids are so easily scared these days. Wimps. When the ice cream truck guy has a bear in the back, it's not a problem when it comes to getting a dreamcicle in 3 flavors.

Editor: "You'll see. For $650, I'd take an ice cream truck, too."

Then again, I'm so easy to please. I still dream of Sammy wearing a gorilla outfit while chasing me, dressed as a large banana, in the park to scare all the youngsters. Should I wear yellow tights to go with it?

As you can see, the later it gets, the weirder I become when I feel this day is accomplished. I was truly happy way back when. Toys, cartoons, and no girl problems can make a guy happy. It's no wonder I am drinking a beer right now.

For all of you (actually, just 1), I have an appointment for the 29th in regards to employment. A job to keep me busy is something I need to take my mind off of things and get me my own place. 5-Pound Phooey is definitely going with me.

So, I'm outta here. To cheer myself up, I'm going to visit a website where teenagers debate the stupidest things (pretty much what I do all day since I want to know the pronunciation of "general tso's chicken," too-is it 'tuh-so' or 'so?'). We'll talk Rome tomorrow since Cleopatra's back and Antony, my favorite kinky ruler is set to release her inner sex-goddess. Happy twats all around.

1 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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