Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"It's all about the low-blow brown girl
the no blood, no love hot girl
the jnkn jumpin' off the decks girl
the jnkn jumpin' off the rocks girl!'

-'U.R.A.Q.T.' by M.I.A.

You know what's funny? I didn't notice the little quip placed in the spelling of M.I.A.'s song. Just look closely at those letters, that now make me feel like an idiot all because I didn't notice it before.

I will be busy tomorrow. Packing and variour errands must be dealt with so I'm doing it early. On March 16th, a little brown girl named 'Sammy' was born. You know her, the girl I constantly bring about in coversation at some point because I'm a very silly boy (Sara says that all the time, too). You just don't mess with her by coming between her and her Teddy Grahams.

Yeah, I get it. It's totally weird to devote an entry to someone I've never met in person but have talked back and forth with for 5 years. Sammy and I are weird and very vocal when it comes to our viewpoints so there are times where we can come across as biters. While this might a description for Sammy when 'off her meds,' I spit venom anytime, anyplace.

But I already devoted an entire entry to Samantha 1 year ago. A big happy belated birthday to my lil' tough brown girl in D.C. learning to deal with wearing a coat and annoying co-workers that can't seem to stop spending. Sammy and I will meet one day so there's going to be a huge hug, a huge grin towards her fiancee, and then the arguments will happen like we've known each other for years. Chairs will be thrown, cartwheels will be done, and piggyback rides will be given. I'm weird like that.

And to those of you that wonder what sort of person I am on first meeting.........well, PenDragon went right into it with me and told me that I made her comfortable within minutes. After much flirting between us on Diaryland, Sara and I have been together for over 2 years. You do the math.

Fact: I have seen one of the sexiest music videos ever! Go to YouTube and look for the video for 'Destination Calabria.' If you never found marching uniforms on women as sexy, you will know. Short skirts, tiny green panties pulled up to be thongs, and some of the sexiest tummies make for mucho wide-eyed Hedgehoggy boner worthy goodness. I've seen the video 3 times today and want another go at it.

Okay, now back to the news. As you know, I'm into this book, 'Go Ask Ogre,' by Jolene Siana. It's okay here and there while pulling me in on occasion when it comes to wondering about death, something that I think she is worried/fascinated with.

'Go Ask Ogre,' a collection of personal letters to the lead singer of Skinny Puppy makes me wonder if I'm now desensitized by what people have to write about themselves in such an intimate manner. Believe it or not, writing about death/cutting/obsession/ with depressive music lyrics was seen as weakness and more as something a goth teen would do. Why not? The 'Net wasn't around like it is today and it's natural in life to have to attend class with that one kid in the back dressed completely in black you'd swear was suicidal.

While I don't think music makes a person want to kill himself no matter how hard Tipper Gore and various 'concerned mothers' tried to rid the world of Ozzy Osbourne albums, everyone worries at some point about what happens upon death. Like I said before, I'm curious if I get to fly and explore the ocean without having to breathe. Am I the only one that would love to swim alongside a great white shark?

Then again, I wonder how you view me from this diary. There have been times where I've felt completely down. No more. Wouldn't mind it if things ended. It happens to us all, from what I've seen here on Diaryland, folks. Even those that look like happy-go-lucky jocks get them blues. The first time I ever thought about suicide was in 7th Grade all because I was fucking scared of high school thanks to the horrors I heard about it.

Oh, well. 49 people have listed me as a fave, these brave souls that for some reason find what I write as worth a read. Like that girl from the movie, The Crow, said, 'It can't rain all the time." Well, you're not going to feel bad all the time since someone out there is bound to put up a silly cat picture or willing to share pictures with you.

I know. I put up 117 pictures, not for the sake of popularity but to show you my life. I'm not quite a retard but a goofy guy that loves to know what YOU think. Unfortunately, I've cut back on my views towards politics thanks to finding hardly anyone (but my favorite brown girl and ZU) is willing to respond. There are so many lurkers that constantly check out my diary but never put me on their favorite's list. I may spit venom but I don't bite unless you really piss me off.

Loves: Those that know who Berkley Breathed is, music fanatics, those that admit to fetishes, viewpoints, quirky people, sex blogs with heart and smarts, real punk rockers, animal lovers, workout fanatics, artists, voyeurs, smart porn watchers, Teddy Graham eaters, quote lovers, obscure movie watchers, book readers, naked gardeners, Australians, women not afraid to defend themselves, fellow Britains, sexy teeth brushing, Keira Knightley, women that cuss, guys that care about women, vanilla pudding, monogamy, Pride & Prejudice, white chocolate, and so on... didn't think I'd end this without a sexual discussion now did you? Tally ho! Goodness, what is my diary without my latest find on the 'Net?

Well, it was inevitable. Nerdporn is upon us. If your thing is watching a woman dressed in a Star Trek outfit suck her boyfriend off, is for you. I just got finished with reading an interview with the site's finder, Anna, and must say she's really different. Anna was pissed at how porn's use of nerds was only in putting glasses on a hot girl.

No, Anna wanted real nerds. Apparently, there are girls that play Dungeons & Dragons, know every computer design, and read comics. *Sigh* A woman nude and surrounded by comic books is a very sexy picture. The funny thing is that Anna said many guys that visit her site ask about computer issues and then go to whack off to the pictures. Once a nerd, always a nerd. Nerds are cool.

Latest sex craze: Placing a needle in a guy's balls to draw out fluid into a glass. Whoever wants to drink, drinks. Yuck. Whatever happend to getting semen the old fashioned way?

I've found lots of sex blogs but only a few interest me. Sara loves Violet Blue as do I. She's smart and I'll admit to to a very heavy draw into the viewpoints on everything related to sex. However, to get my interest really picqued, you have to talk about more than just sex, otherwise you'd just bore me.

My lates find makes me wonder about the world's fascination with showing so much of themselves. A Russian woman has a blog that is more sexually explicit than I ever thought possible. Never thought I'd ever see a woman compare her asshole with a porn star's but there is always a first time for everything. Friend enjoys peeing in the garden? Your latest entry is about your best friend, husband's penis? Married women sure have changed these days.

But I find this Russian woman quite interesting. While she has many pictures with her legs spread wide open, she tells why this is different then Britney Spears's panty-less incident. It's all about the intentions. Miss Spears was all about getting herself attention. Russian woman is all about this being the way she is, no panties ever, since her pussy is like the many flowers photoshopped for comparison.

Don't laugh. Many artists have compared a woman's pussy to some of the most beautiful flowers. I've seen a book that you'd swear was only explicit pictures of vaginas only to be gorgeous flowers. Shall I comare thee to a summer day?

So, I'm outta here. There will be mucho sexually explicit viewpoints from me thanks to my need to explore various sex blogs that have only made me want to know more about these women. What makes them want to show their bodies so explicitly? Doesn't really matter because all pussies are beautiful. Oh, how I love broken English from Russians. Happy birthday, Sammy. I'm still here thanks to you. Happy twats all around.

7 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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