
summer - 2007-04-18 07:50:57
It pissed me off when watching the news that the reporter implied that people who write about dark or violent things and horror are all crazy, so watch out because they might shoot everyone because this kid wrote violent screen plays. The media is lead by a bunch of fucking idiots, and it's sad that there are people out there who drink up everything those bastards say as gospel because they refuse to apply common sense.
lostincoma - 2007-04-18 11:30:15
I think you have it backwards. They're not saying that EVERY loner or creative writer is capable of or motivated to commit these types of crimes. But statistically, you have to realize that most people who carry out these acts ARE loners and DO leave a trail of disturbing evidence behind them through writing/art/etc. In this country, we emphasize social skills, so when someone does this and we learn he didn't have many friends, we look at it as a sign. Trust me, I'll be the first person to tell you that you don't need friends or a budding social life to get by, and I'm all for freedom of expression, as I studied creative writing and workshopped some disturbing stuff by my classmates. I just don't think anyone's saying that he did this *because* he was a loner or wrote graphic stuff. There's a lot of talk about him being mentally disturbed and even committed to an institution at one point, and that's what people are looking at a little more closely. But really, people just want answers, they want to know why it happened, and that involves analyzing every last detail of this guy's life.

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